Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Life of guohui ...chp 347

The past two weeks has been hell of a chore for me, juggling between so many stuff and of course, the top of the priority being my first assignment in uni life. and of course how underestimated the difficulty level of writing my assignment paper.

Henceforth, I was practically buried under books and journals every day especially for the last week. Now my mind totally register what is counterproductive work behaviour and organisational citizenship behaviour. madness.

and all the more with insane consumption of coffee, tea and late nights.

but cookies that tasted like oven helps a lot. =)

not forgetting my wonderful weekends and random nothing.

you are like the top of my food pyramid, I shouldn't think of you too often, but I do way too much.

ok, brace up for 4 night lectures ahead, CNY at kuantan, billabong account assignment, mid-sem papers.

and not seeing her for the upcoming two week.

guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, February 02, 2010.
