Thursday, November 20, 2008
Life of guohui ...chp 308
i swear i'm really seriously overworked with minimal slp time.
but that's nt the main point in this post. but to show off what's in this box:

my new manhattan portage messenger bag.
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, November 20, 2008.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Life of guohui ...chp 307
had team function at loyang aloha ytd and my word, it's pretty fun despite the overwhelming of guys and that few ladies in our team. plenty of booze to go ard, esp with that buffet spree and the bbq food stuff. crayfish and heineken prawns way to go man!
and it's definitely bad luck for those few kids who came to our unit to buy cigarettes. esp when they are way too underage. esp when they enter a unit full of police officers. hahahhaah.
shagged out after my 18km jog today. and i still curse myself for the SC marathon.
and it's time to prepare for work tml. esp when i am doing m5 with a dream crew.
guohuilist turned back time on Friday, November 14, 2008.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Life of guohui ...chp 306
life's pretty great these days. rain or shine, yawing or rowing, it's still sea time for me. and i am picking up my seamanship pretty fast. and hopefully i can get my black strunks fast.
been hitching lots of rides back recently, be it from kumaran or nicholas. not discounting the traffic accident we got into, the peace settlement with tt unreasonable indian fellow who insisted we paid for his bummer.
list of events from the team includes paying a visit to the wake of my team leader's mum, another cage outing with the team at east coast, hishal's daughter function and the very recent bachelor's night at lunar with the cheena gang. or rather team delta's diver grp.
lunar's great. along with the 2 bottles of cordon bleu. and i still can't believe tt taiwan girl actually hitched me and kenny up. hahahah. and random card stacking com with random ladies. and of course, the hightlight in downing premium cognac on the rock instead of binge drinking.
so it has been rather team bonding for me for the past weeks.
and i'm still trying to set myself up to get tt manhattan portage messenger back that i've been eyeing 2mths ago.
meanwhile, i guess it's game over for me and her. i think. cannot even see the reason why some small kids can get into relationship that easily while fate just eludes me. bits of sour grape sighted. i know. but knowing me, i'll just grumble and move on with life. been thru too much upsets and downpours in life so far to know that it ain't worth to feel miserable for something i can't control. not that it's worth it either.
oh ya, went for atc with the area 11 ppl last week, and realise that i'm so out of sync with npcc alr. breaking all the rules and code of conduct i once consider taboo for instructors. but nevertheless, it's fun to see all everyone again. and that so many of us actually signed on. like reg commando zhiwei, police officer to be jianboon, armour specs yeowhoe. cool. but this will most prob be my last atc. i hope. but i think i'll end up going for the next one again. haha. once a yr npcc indulgence sounds good for me. not much of the young npcc kids for nw, but gathering with the ppl i know is great. and i shall cherish these times before we all get too old for atc.
enough of all these, and i shall be off to bed for a decent slp. finally.
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, November 02, 2008.