Life of guohui ...chp 297
after the spat of andrenalin rushing cases on sunday night, my heart is still pounding on for more actions to come. PCG, where the action is. hell yea. 1 case of assist arrest, 3 sightings and 1 hot pursuit in 1 cold sunday night. omg omg omg.
and the downside, the irritation at the High Commission of Malaysia to renounce my i-duno-it-even-exist malaysian citizenship. to think they made me go down personally on my offday to collect a form and to book at date in nov to go down PERSONALLY again to submit the form, wait for a 2 weeks processing to obtain the letter of approval so that i can submit to ICA to swear my oath of allegiance to Singapore. And till then, i'm without a travel document unless i appeal for one whenever i travel. brilliant.
BUT on the brighter side my new LOVE:

Oakley XX Twenty Jet Black/Ruby Iridium
i'm all smiles now.
guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, August 26, 2008.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Life of guohui ...chp 296
am supposed to be on day shift but somewhat my leave was reapproved and here i am
am supposed to catch the fireworks tonight with vanessa but went ytd and i am
which i'm glad for obvious reasons. the rain is heavily insane right now. and am i glad to not be out at sea today. kudos to Team Delta out patrolling at the Southern waters of SG in this crazy rain. ok, perhaps i'm being evil by laughing at the rest of the crews out there while i'm snuggling up at home watching the man's gold olympic soccer. and of course, the possiblity of the fireworks performance tonight remains unclear. maybe vanessa's evilness came true with the sightings of the smokes from the fireworks from the taxpaper's money.
so, i'm glad for our ytd's trip down, lots of fun walking from laselle to marina bay in the drizzle. lots of fun chatting random stuff, and lots of random stuff in laselle's lib.
bought my new bball today after my last ball was stolen by the whom i suspect ah tiong but apparently the weather do not allow me to try my new ball. so what comes back ard as i resume the usage of the converse ball again. and i really swear that gym going is affecting my bballing feel. nt tt i'm very good to begin with. but nw it's worse. damn.
and was supposed to meet the 3 Zs and mich for lunch on thurs. but location NUS really puts me off and i headed home to slp after my surprising early knocking off time at 0730 when the norm will be 1100am.
and home i am enjoying this:

prawn noodle and iced soybean in my snoopy mug
and did i forget to mention hw addicted i am to this:

some gummy candies despite me nt being a snacky person. i can consume like 5 packs of these in a night shift. all thanks to who owner of the cat-looking dog. damn...
and i shall snuggled up before dinner and off for the terence initiated supper tonight, gym session tml with jacob and raymond before heading for work.hoepfully this awaits me instead of the rain.
guohuilist turned back time on Saturday, August 23, 2008.
Life of guohui ...chp 295
as i sipped my coffee and enjoyed my coffee under the moonless sky filled with stars, swaying myself to the cradle-like waves, there has to be a sampan sighted with 3 outboard engine that resulted us in a hot pursuit.
the waves out at sea is pretty rough these days. damn the weather.
but on the brighter side, life's pretty great when it gets mundane and it's great sipping tea while gazing the sunset or sunrise or at the never ending waves and let your train of thoughts goes on and on and on. abt self discovery. abt life. abt anything, everything or simply nthing at all.
and then on to do surveillance on the EO, conduct ferry checks, learning hw to steer and get back to work.
life's as such.
and i'm pretty irritated on being forced to go on leave whereas my application of leave is being turned down.
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, August 17, 2008.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Life of guohui ...chp 294
dun usually do this but apparently, i was coming across this personality test which i swore i did to what i really think. a penny for my thought. and for u all to go through if long words are nt boring you all out.
on a side note, i had my first cigarette smuggling busting ops today!
Analytical Thinkers are reserved, quiet persons. They like to get to the bottom of things - curiosity is one of their strongest motives. They want to know what holds the world together deep down inside. They do not really need much more to be happy because they are modest persons. Many mathematicians, philosophers and scientists belong to this type. Analytical Thinkers loathe contradictions and illogicalness; with their sharp intellect, they quickly and comprehensively grasp patterns, principles and structures. They are particularly interested in the fundamental nature of things and theoretical findings; for them, it is not necessarily a question of translating these into practical acts or in sharing their considerations with others. Analytical Thinkers like to work alone; their ability to concentrate is more marked than that of all other personality types. They are open for and interested in new information.
Analytical Thinkers have little interest in everyday concerns - they are always a little like an “absent-minded professor” whose home and workplace are chaotic and who only concerns himself with banalities such as bodily needs when it becomes absolutely unavoidable. The acknowledgement of their work by others does not play a great role for them; in general,they are quite independent of social relationships and very self-reliant. Analytical Thinkers therefore often give others the impression that they are arrogant or snobby - especially because they do not hesitate to speak their mind with their often harsh (even if justified) criticism and their imperturbable self-confidence. Incompetent contemporaries do not have it easy with them. But whoever succeeds in winning their respect and interest has a witty and very intelligent person to talk to. A partner who amazes one with his excellent powers of observation and his very dry humour.
It takes some time before Analytical Thinkers make friends, but then they are mostly friends for life. They only need very few people around them. Their most important ability is to be a match for them and thus give them inspiration. Constant social obligations quickly get on their nerves; they need a lot of time alone and often withdraw from others. Their partner must respect this and understand that this is not due to the lack of affection. Once they have decided in favour of a person, Analytical Thinkers are loyal and reliable partners. However, one cannot expect romance and effusive expressions of feelings from them and they will definitely forget their wedding anniversary. But they are always up to a night spent with stimulating discussions and a good glass of wine!
am i such a person? that's for the world to judge.
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, August 14, 2008.
Life of guohui ...chp 293
was chatting with Alif over night shift ytd abt relationships. had a pretty interesting conclusion that i thought i might wanna post up. tt's beside the pt of the grounded ferry incident we had ytd.
and as we go along, i concluded that as the yrs goes by, my expectation of that of a relationship changes. gone are the days when i actually have in mind for the perfect one, the definition of a hottie, a cute and sporty ladies that kind of fantasy. of course not to mention abt the her who got me infatuated with a third of my living age. and coming alongside( pardon the pun of the seafarer) now are actually wish list of a more realistic one than the princess in the fairytale that never seems to come by or am never within my limits. for i know i'm definitely nt a chivalrous knight in shining armour either.
and nw that reality has really or rather almost set in, my idea of a perfect companion too, are being brought down to earth. albeit someone who really appreciates and knows me for who i am, someone who i really feels at home with, and preferably someone whose trains of thought runs the same flow as i do. external visuals has definitely become a bonus than a necessity.
but of course who doesn't wish for the beauty with brains and figure to die for? if only i dun wake up from my sweet slumber of course.
and i remember once telling bowei abt how i wanna make myself perfect and give the best of myself to the her i like before actually committing myself. but the experienced one talks abt the experience of the perfection both can seek to achieve, a challenge that may prove bittersweet to both parties eventually. won't it be nice if i actually thought of these yrs ago? but given the circumstances, i believe chances are, i will still be heading on to the path i took. it was a foolish decision, but nothing can change that. if only, i supposed. things are never meant to be.
and sometime ago, i decided that the best companion for myself is actually myself, and another guohui is who i seek, the keeper of my heart. for it is me who understand myself the most. ironic. perhaps it is me who never choose to open up in the first place. or maybe no one bothers to open in the first place?
and maybe it will be my call or my excuse once again, to be keeping my options open. so what will it be? mr guohui ?
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, August 10, 2008.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Life of guohui ...chp 292
And finally, another phase of my NS life and ended with the much anticipated Passing Out Ceremony on 31/7. Words aside, let the pics do the talkings of the few thousands words i had in mind.

The police pledge

The chinese gang. with Fi.

NS 01/08 with the legendary SI Zul.

Mum, me , Aunt

Me, DSP Lee and Dawei. DSP swept all the award for my squad. damn.

Me and ASP Basha. Man Utd all the way. hhaha

There are still tons of pics in my cam but time doesn't really permits me to post them up so far. ok, perhaps the lazy bone plays a part too.
MPC is now over, and i really ought to pay tribute to FI firdaus (Fi Fi) and Chow Dawei for my wonderful stay in MPC, with the former being my BTM partner and the latter being my bunkmate and bedmate since the HTA days.

pardon me Fi, the only decent pic other than the Fx ones that we are not supposed to leak online. haha.
and off i am, to Brani Regional Base in Team Delta.
though i really do not know where my fate will lies, since after i rejected the staff assistant post of OC head admin, came the post of staff assistant of brani ops knocking at my door. the offer sounds tempting. but after i fought my way other to be on the patrol side? i dunno. but time will tell i supposed. damn, i have been attractings lots of SA post offers with my qualification, my class 3 and my outspoken personality. If that is the case, why am i not selected to be a senior officer in the very first place.
and on a side note, shopping at ikea, supper outings and long random chats, i feel good abt it.
guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, August 06, 2008.