Life of guohui ...chp 291
2 races down and i'll be looking forward to the nike human race if my schedule permits it.

HomeTeam NS NB REAL run

the past weeks are full of ups and downs, with sat spent at sentosa for the real run followed by visit to qiang ma's hse warming dinner.
and boarding team member fx training over the week in camp. it's fun and i actually had lots of pics in my phone for the training. and seriously, playing CS and battlefield on the com and doing the storming itself are very very different. esp the walking posture and all.
and then came the posting which left me in a shock, i was being posted as a staff assistant for OC head admin. I was totally agitated and actually fought my way back being a boarding crew member. and guess why the sudden shocking post? my class 3 license, me being outspoken ( am i ? ) as well as my qualification as a diploma grad as compared to those with lower qualification. tt's so totally outrageous. why kinda of logic is that? and of all ppl, me who actually put in effort during training than those mutt ass who pulled us down all the time. so having a driving license and a dip is to my discredit? totally outrageous. and not wanting to bow down to such ironic fate, i actually went to talk to the ASP in charge abt it and viola, i'm back in action.
though not that i despise and look down on a staff assistant jobscope but i can't imagine leading a police NS life without being in action on the frontline. and though my Certificate of Service will definitely look better with an endorsement from an ASP after ORD, i chose the tough way out of NS. and i accept my fate, for it will definitely be an experience i'll never regret it life. and i'm sure of it.
caught 10 promise btwn to my dog with vanessa, which was totally hilarous. it was quite a touching movie alright, with her almost coming on with a bucket of tears. but we were prepared with a box of tissue paper. but nevertheless, with the tears aside, there are lots of laughter. damn. who laughs like us during a touching movie.
gyming with jacob, vincent and winston is great. so great that i almost strained my weaker left arm with the bench press.
POC in 4 days time in no.1. and i'm so looking forward to life at brani base after that.
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, July 27, 2008.
Life of guohui ...chp 290
life's pretty busy recently, esp with the firefighting course and the attachment. haha. and the more i conclude that i love being out at sea.
lots of things going on recently for my ns but much as i want to, i dun think it's worth the risk to divluge it here. but life as a police officer is not as safe and easy as it may seems to be.
ytd was the hometeam NS run at sentosa. great. esp running on sand.
too many things to touch on. but i guess tt's tales for another day. too many things to touch on.
and i'll be off to bed, courtesy of vannessa's aid with my homework.
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, July 20, 2008.
time and again, i proved to be my best friend. period.
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, July 14, 2008.
Life of guohui ...chp 289
have u ever wonder wouldn't it be nice if we do not spend majority of our time waiting? and i mean waiting for the traffic light to turn green, waiting for the lift, waiting for friends to arrive, so and so forth.
or worst, waiting for something to happen. or even waiting for the next wait.
or have u ever realised why wait is spelled as W A I T?
hmm. the above mentioned are just some randomed churns as usual. definitely inspired by some random cells of mine. coz i rerealised i spent more than half my time waiting away.
had a crazy fri night drinking away with the coast guardians and a good bros' night out. or rather bros(with spouse)' night out.
and back to brani base tml
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, July 06, 2008.