Life of guohui ...chp 285
this post will be the first to be written in the capacity of a new 21yrs old man. yep, i'm 21 and 1 day old already!
and boy, was i lucky/unfortunate that i escaped the recall for Ops pedra branca over the weekend but nevertheless, i'll be deployed tml for another impromptu OPS at foxtrot division for a week or so. that means i'll be serving 4 day work cycle at least for this whole week.
hopefully i get my off on sat, in time for the pop to fulfill my 4yrs old promise to the NCOs i once called kids.
rolling back to sat when i had my prebday celebration, coming to think of it, it all zoomed past darn fast. and man, was i totally not very prepared for everything. but it did went by well.
ok, in a sense, half or rather more than half of my guest are from cchsm and from this pool, majority are from cchsm npcc! haha, it was almost like a major unit alumni gathering. and i'm so glad that most of them can make it down.
though i'm kinda disappointed meiqi didn't managed to turn up.
and on the actual day itself, touched by the other ppl who met up with me to pass my their greetings. thanks a bunch.

my family

me posing for the shirt that do not suits me, from and with the deltarian
jayjay, mayanne, ahmad, emily and sameer.

the 494b basketball court gang! eugene, edwin, terance, desmond, vanessa, changjian

nco 02/03 without khaiwan and chee siong who came later
hongkai, aldrin, walter, huiqun, kaiwei and kiatyong

the cchsm npcc instructors without guanyong, karen and jiamin who came late

izzat, ronald and fairdaous, the rest couldn't make it. which is kinda disappointing

cchsm npcc alumni!

and which they threw me into the bin and into the sea
my stash of birthday present after teh chalet.

haha. how can i leave out you people !

bro for a long time to come.
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, May 26, 2008.
i guess it's time to shatter the 7 years dream.
but does it allows me to?
guohuilist turned back time on Saturday, May 17, 2008.
Life of guohui ...chp 284
it has been a pretty relaxing week at HTA for some external courses, with trainees calling me sir and all, but hell certainly awakes me next week at pulau brani for the proper PCG course, which i secretly hope it's true.
celebrated zr's bday bash over at NSRCC last fri night was fun, at least among ourselves, self entertaintment if u called it. but hey abang, u're 21 already man! i'll be joining u next week.
and of course, my preparation of my 21st bash. the guest list keeps on increasing, and it's really time to cut the list short. and i am certainly looking VERY forward to seeing all of them, esp the peeps that i haven really met these recent mths. and my dad insisted on giving me an obscene amt of cash to pay for everything even though i insisted that i wanna fork out everything out of my own pocket.
have been bballing every evening at my bball court, and it's great having the break once again for bball, with my grp of oldies players. yep, it's definitely damn fun.
and i so do not wanna wake up from today's absurd dream.........
and presenting to u carlsuen, my niece....
guohuilist turned back time on Friday, May 16, 2008.
Life of guohui ...chp 283
am back at home on a weekday ya. tt's like a total while to me. till next week at least for my 5 days non residential PCG course before heading to pulau brani for the proper training.
of which people are pissing me off with stories of how haunted it is. and tales of coast guards hauling corpse from the sea as part of my jobscope.
life's pretty mundane at camp these days. and i'm losing momentum of my fitness level.
was telling irshad about me always heading a different pathway from my peers all the time.
and how ironic it is that while people are trying to be unique while i try so hard to stay in the mainstream and be with the norm.
guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, May 06, 2008.
Life of guohui ...chp 282
the cause of happiness for the week is perhaps...
1) the well deserved labour day break
2) man utd progressing into the finals of champs league, courtesy of my fav player, scholes
3) the S$150 into my bank acc
4) posting of PCG
5) absurb winning of AOS for the derby,- arsenal match
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, May 01, 2008.