Life of guohui ...chp 278
3 weeks into life as a trainee at HTA and i'm still surviving great. it ain't as tough as i thought it would be. but i'll be assured the best is yet to come.
my squad is great too. the supposed highest educated squad with the best physical fitness. making us fav tekan targets. i supposed if ur squads comes with S league players, nat sports players, they assume that all our physical fitness it up to the mark too.
and no, child actors do not get extra treatment
though smart asses who keep on talking and discussion abt the physics theory of revolver and bullets are irritating.
and there are too many leaders in the squad.
but i love the way we love drill
so much to talk abt. so little time. i shall nt waste my 50hrs of bookout time to blog.
guohuilist turned back time on Friday, January 25, 2008.
Life of guohui ...chp 277
was looking at the look-oh-so-vibrant-and-impressive advertisement by SP when i couldn't help but chuckled to myself the false beliefs that they are selling. no doubt, the power of advertisement is there for all to behold, the package they are selling looks so impressive.
but maybe it isn't so for me. at least not for me. i do hold memories of that places. i do grasp my concepts and knowledge learnt which will most prob be my bread and butter. i do have friends from there. but wonderful memories, i beg to defer lots. esp from classrooms and condusive learning. i admit i ain't tt wonderful as a student there. but i guess it takes 2 hands to clap and some givers are not wonderful to begin with.
and after hail from a cca back in sec sch which we actually talks of creating a more magnificent culture, i discover that my sec 4s over the years are more capable than the cca leaders i see in the varsity.
maybe it's just me and my path are shrouded with these ambigious sightings. but thank gosh i ended my journey armed with the necessary expertism which for that alone, i'm grateful.
and for that few bunch of friends to endure some wacky semester, i'm grateful.
and for tt wonderful train station, i'm grateful.
as for now, i shall begin my next chp of life in the police force for national service. i'm looking forward to a hopeful k9 unit life or even PTU if possible.
so it's a hiatus to my keeping of long hair ( though many will argue that it ain't long to begin with)
and a cap to my freedom.
i'm off to pack my stuff for tml. and i wanna extend a big thank you in appreciation for the peeps who actually msn/chat/dine/sms me to send me on this new chp in life.
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, January 07, 2008.
Life of guohui ...chp 276
it was great seeing will smith in I AM A LEGEND. he never fails to impress me. since the days of wild wild west.
it was great meeting up with at least part of the obbd group after 1 year after the trip.
it was great having dinner at MOF @ marina square.

guohui, jason, cherie and mandy
it was great seeing edwin and his gf at suntec.
it was great to see esther immediately after i finish my chat with edwin.
it was great going sparing 5mins for one another for our frenzy shopping mode and everything wasn't going as according to plan
it was great seeing a pri sch mate on the bus even though we haven met for aeons after leaving pri sch.
on a side note, pics from delta outing =)

left: ahmad, linjie, me, aslam ( who looks more like a 30yr old drunkard uncle than the CI he once was), Jay Jay
right: sameer, roszian, emily and mayanne
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, January 06, 2008.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Life of guohui ...chp 275
it's gonna be the first post of the new year. which i feel like any other day. other than the fact that i will be enlisting next tue.
life's great at home now. esp after i left DHL Global Forwarding after a 3.5mths stint.

it has been great eating choclate frogs

and drinking choc banana vanilla milkshake while watching soccer matches.

it has been great having a family dinner and doing the countdown with my real family for a change.
so it's gonnna be a new year once again. with 2007 being very eventful. not totally memorable but eventful. too much to list. too meaningless to recall. but i'm glad it went by without much destructive events. unless i count the extra sem of course.
life's as such.
guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, January 02, 2008.