Saturday, September 22, 2007
Life of guohui ...chp 258 life's been real busy. work - come home - eat - slp - work. tt's the routine i'm gonna have till enlistment. and tt's most prob the routine i'm gonna have for the rest of my life when i start working. earning my keep. and of course, saving for marriage. haha. u know what it means to be really outta ur head when ur phone rings and u tried to answer ur call with a candy box. and ponder when there is no keys and no response and ur ringtone won't go off.
 when u have a lack of slp and am processing a lot of information. even a candy box appears to be a phone to you. =(
more irritating stuff ahead. as i got home the day before, i received this BIG SHOCKING PIECE OF NEWS.  a library fine! of SGD 0.15 ! and it's dated yr 2003 ! with a marvellous book title too ! instant diaoz...
guohuilist turned back time on Saturday, September 22, 2007.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Life of guohui ...chp 257 i'm a good man today. what happened to be a normal routine walk to the coffeeshop for lunch ends up meeting an old primary sch friend and ended up helping her to look for her lost purse. and of course, lots of catching up and i've done a good deed.... =)
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, September 17, 2007.
Life of guohui ...chp 256 i'm confused. it's complicated. and seriously, more often than nt, it's always and definitely easier to be a spectator and comment on the sideline. but what will you do if the ball is in ur court? ok. tt's random. but nevertheless, it's worth a thought. the senior officer discussion is definitely a useful one. and i thought it's definitely going to be an exciting year ahead for everyone in the unit. if everyone plays their role well. and of course, the only thing is i will nt be in the operation for nw. so the sem's results are out and i thought i did reasonably well. so much for a diploma and i'm finally out of tt place. seriously i can't think of any memories from that place. and so my future comes to a standstill. my vision for my future seems so blurry to me nw. just hope that i can get enlisted fast and spend two fruitful yrs in NS. and have a been-there-done that experience and maybe it will be a valet for me to ponder over my future. and of course, the hightlight of last week other than my results is the letter informing that i've clinched the Commissioner of Police award. and it's a team thing ! it is definitely a very nice reward for all our hard work done last year for the unit, the area and the Corps, TEAM. and it is definitely a very materialistic memory we all will hold. i'll proud of us all =) certain things are never meant to be let go. but i hope for the best in them. with or without me.
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, September 17, 2007.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Life of guohui ... chp 255 have a relatively wonderful day today of unimaginable confession of unimaginable reciprocalbut alas, i woke up.and realised it is all but a dream.... and at that a wonderful one.
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, September 06, 2007.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Life of guohui ...chp 254 indulging in a good PC is certainly an expensive upkeep. after spending so much on upgrading my RAMs, i decided that my graphic cards are nt tt fantastic, then i got myself an ASUS N7600GS silent, an upper mid-range graphic card that is supposed to give 0DB sound ( silent), but my motherboard broke down. and then came ASUS P5PE-VM, a new motherboard complete with a Core 2 Duo intel processor D4400. and since my old casing isn't able to house the new addition, i've gotten a new casing. and next on my buying list is a good razor mouse and a good sound card to go along. and i definitely need funds for that. grrrh... it has been a real irritating week. being pissed off by everyone ard me. maybe nt everyone, but am disappointed with some acts by ppl who i value very much at the moment. but sometimes, what u give isn't what u get in return.
guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, September 04, 2007.