LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 231
was pretty bored at the moment, just thought i might wanna post up something that i found very interesting. as recommeneded by babydragonfly.

so i did 2 tests on and obtained these 2 hilarious results. had a good laugh for the night though. go on ppl. try it. it's interesting.
till then, i'm gonna enjoy my weekends as usual. while it last for nw.
guohuilist turned back time on Saturday, April 28, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 230
as i reluctuntly drag myself to sch today despite the lovely weather to slp in, i realise that there is one really absurd situation happening out there.
there is a significant number of people boarding the train towards pasir ris than the direction heading towards boonlay.
and those people going to pasir ris are the ones taking the detour to the CBD area.
imagine those boarding at pasir ris having NO SEATS at the very first stop of the EASTWEST line.
therefore i concluded that tampines is declared the first stop of the EASTWEST line instead of pasir ris.
ok. that was random.
today was particularly tired. not because it was raining the whole day, making it an ideal slping weather for a sleepy person like me. ( but then again, i can slp in any circumstances, so it didn't really matter.)
met royce and his friend cheryl ( possible gf to be ? ) on my way to TM to satisfy my cravings for MOS burger.
that was another random point too.
ok. actually i wanted to blog about the musical i caught last night. PHANTOM of the OPERA.
damn it, I think from the point of view that i was seated, it really did justice for the 95 bucks tix. and mind you, it wasn't the best of seats. anyway, i was seated at circle 3 of CC 18. that will be like the last few rows of the whole theatre.
but anyway, the muscial was fantastic. was totally memersized by the sheer vocals of the sopranos, the visual effects and the props. that is exactly what i have expected from a professional musical, no discredit to the few sch performance i watched elsewhere.
top notch sopranos.
brilliant manipulation of props and scene settings.
stunning visual effects.
breathe taking.
except for the occasion rude disruption from the irritating nokia messaging tone.
and the freezing condition, considering it rained last night and i did not bring my jacket along.
but no photography is allowed. therefore this post will be deprived of visual aids.
and i'm getting tired by the min, time for bed. and basking in my fantasy for the phantom of the opera. christine. oh christine.
guohuilist turned back time on Friday, April 27, 2007.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 229
So qiang is off to aust for his pilot thing. it will be one less member in the brotherhood for the next mth and most prob the next few mths.
been having little gatherings for him like the 2hm picnic a few weekends ago and dinner at the village last fri followed by labybrinth drinking session.
wanted to see him off on sun but ended up being massacred on the MJ table at jasper hse by mich. and ended up playing meaningless bball at the course with our new ball.
the only good thing tt sunday was this
hmm... these days seems a bore to me. it's tough getting by with no lunch mates. so much for letting my rebelious self have its moment of victory then.
but i asked for it. so i'm going to pay the price dear. though i wanted to enlist ASAP so dearly.
but there's all to ponder in my imagination for nw. gonna catch a nap, and meet eve and jane for phantom of the opera @ esplanade later. hope it do justice to the 95 bucks tix.
guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, April 25, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 228
so it was fun doing some casual fishing by bedok jetty over the weekend.
the materialistic reward though was nt worth mentioning.
it was nice meeting sameer and have a little chat with that great friend of mine.
slpt quite fair bit today. feeling restless however.
well, it's gonna be a start to atone for my impulsive act tml.
and hopefully it will be an enriching 4 months.
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, April 16, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 227
won't it be nice if :
i can watch man utd winning AS Roma 7 - 1 everynight,
and wake up at 3pm every noon,
have lunch,
check my mail online,
and on to play bball,
and dinner,
followed by some chatting online,
and off to slp for
well. it's all but a pure indulgence once in a really blue moon.
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, April 12, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 226
life's been busy.
like practically working on gaining knowledge.
like reading.
like exploring netbean and creating meaningless j2me programmes
like helping out with the interunit streetsoccer com.
like working till late in cchs.
like listening to the NCOs
and it was fun seeing some good old juniors/friends back @ cchs. though i keep on harping on how mature/old we all have grown.
and so was watching meet the robinsons after the dinner with them.
hmm. one last official project to go.
live and enjoy the experience guohui !

top: hweeling, yuqi, moon
bot: guohui, jinquan, kim, kok kheong, hongkai

ms kim and guohui
guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, April 03, 2007.