LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 225
just came back from teck leong's wedding dinner at york's hotel. while this entry is very extreme in contrast with respect to my previous post, nevertheless, its something joyful and i thought i might want to post it up.
so it's teck leong finally getting married. and a splendid time for the chung cheng alumni to meet up. was sitted with jon, harry, hong kai, jasmine, jiamin and donglin instead of the older generations at a table.
and wad a great time it was to really catch up and update each other on our life. this is especially so for the four of us. afterall, the four of us have served the unit for the past 2 yrs together and are considered an era/generation of our own. and congratulations to OCT Tay Jingyang Jon.

guohui, jon, harry and hongkai.
and it's a good time to know our new CIs better. though we really need to apologise for really leaving them out of our talks from the memory lane.

jiamin, jasmine and guohui.

the family portray of the cchsm npcc instructor alumni excluding lam and marc chua. and guan yong who is currently overseas for his pilot course.

and of course, the leading man tonight, teck leong and his wife.
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, March 25, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 224
divided they were,
yet united they stand
for the remembrance of a lost loved one
an ugly scene scene erupted
but ended with a truce in tears
which i thought and hope i never will with my loving brothers at the moment.
while for now, i hold my family dear to me.
and same goes for my recognised relatives
people who watched me grow and doted and care for me
for fate brought us together this lifetime.
i seek blessings from her above
to keep us united.
and all the more for good health and harmony
a bold request i must admit.
but i do hope it will come true
and stay the same for many yrs to come.
we'll miss her for a long time to come.
and pray that she rest well for eternity.
a simple wish regardless of who we are
i hope i wish i want
and for now,
let's all move on with our lifes well and good
for we all know reality it now is.
for i believe this is what she would love to see.
and i shall.
and we shall....
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, March 19, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 223
it's the sense of satisfaction i received after you completed something that makes it all worthwhile.
it's the rest u get after a long day's work to make me appreciate my precious slptime
it's the occasion trip to get in touch with the unit to make me realise why i am still feeling so attached to it.
it's the interaction with my ncos that makes me realised hw much i've matured and despite being 16, how cute they all can be.
it's the surprising glimpse of my ex cadets that makes me feel old
it's the remembrance of me by my ex cadet tt makes me feel so appreciated.
it's the occasional trip back to the unit and doing evaluation with him that makes me appreciate our past working experiences more. and how long a way we all have gone by.
certain things in life seems great when you take a back seat and appreciate the many little things. i'm so fortunate to acknowledge and bask in them while it last.
and 300 didn't disappoint me with it's visual graphics and portray of the preservation of pride and honour. of comrades in arm and of the medival weaponry. of tactical possibilities and fascinating greek stories.
and i like the ending whr leonides missed his spear throw at king xeres at the ending. somehow, what got to me was the msg that even though the 300 spartans eventually fell to the great persian army, they eventually managed to scratch the almightly King. thru inflicting the blood and pain on the king which represent the slaughting of his army. king xeres is but invincible. and the miss to kill xeres signifies that they did not managed to defeat the great persian army.
and in some scenes, the blood somewhat spills like paint of a canvas. gruesome yet in a way artistic.
cheers to 300. =)
guohuilist turned back time on Saturday, March 17, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 222
just a quick post while waiting for my hair to dry.
basically, it's just working day in day out. and changi general hospital is really becoming my 2nd home. i'm like getting to know every nook and corner of that place. and of course, the friendly and responsible security guard. but food wise, it's 板面 and mee pok and tt malay stall and occasionally mixed rich veggie with limited selections for the night. and nt forgetting the many many cups of coffee and night hrs i spent there for the past 10 days or so.
but the project at CGH is ending soon. can u imagine it?
136 sets of PCs,
a few thousand gigs of data transferred,
a few hundred KMs travelled within CGH,
a few hundred hours of brain cracking situations,
a few hundred thousands of digits mentioned,
a few hundred times of logging in as cghadmin,
and on and so forth.
in 10 days.
soon, we'll be moving on to some other place.
ok. tt's purely random. as usual.
but i gonna admit i missed np life. but i guess my end station is near. and i'm due for retirement soon. my days have gone by. as i've mentioned to jon. so coming june, it'll really be pop for me after 7.5yrs in cchsm npcc. but tt's another post for another day.
though i really enjoyed working for nw. learning so many new things everyday.
ok. i guess when phase 1 ends, which is very soon, gonna catch up with all the grps of friends i have. and yes, 24/3 is teck leong's wedding, a good time to meet all the cchsm npcc oldies instructors.
and i'm gonna leave u guys with a interesting mail i received. quite thought-provoking. thought somewhat i realised tt i'm too old for lovey-dovey at this age. or perhaps at this moment.
佛说:你自己认为呢?石头想了想,无言以对。佛也沈默了一阵,终于他又开了口:路既然是自己选 择的,就不能怨天尤人,你只能无怨无悔。
guohuilist turned back time on Saturday, March 10, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 221
work work work. have been busy working over the past few days. install coms and servers, backing up files and all for many different hospital. have been running all over the place from changi general hospital to KK woman and children's hospital, to Singapore General Hospital and Ministry of Manpower. to sum it all. busy
ok, make it 2 words. very busy.
my schedule is hectic, reaching home at 2am plus and going back to work at 3pm. but i thought i quite enjoy the buzz. and really enjoy what i am doing. to be fair, i am working and learning at the same time. abt prioritizing, abt time management, abt working relationship. and responsibility. haha. thought i often practise these as a CI, i thought it helps me a lot when i am working nw. the experience that is.
and i really thought that working life is much more enriching that schooling. though the the freedom part isn't exactly tt welcoming.
and the ICU pathway is really creepy. esp when you are alone at night.
and the docs have a damn high volume of files in their harddrive to backup.
catched the man utd match at high on sat with zq, jas, mich and ziyan. kudos to O'shea for scoring at injury time to make our pools ticket worth their value. and to tt hongkong cafe at a very far place. ( NOT MP anymore. it's siglap ok) for dessert. the serving with the size of erm... small ?
then mahjong-ed at jas hse. ok. i kept my promised and played till i am deprived of my slptime. ok.
and practically slpt thru today, woke up for steamboat dinner and online. and nw going to slp. working tml.
till then, take care ppl.
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, March 05, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 220
caught jack neo's JUST FOLLOW LAW today. which i thought i enjoyed it quite a fair bit. it's very localised. depicting how things are in our current society. and more often than not, i enjoyed the mockery at our daily life thru the scenes in the movie. no matter what organisation you are working in/with in sg, may it be ur workplace, student organisation, army or sch.
a stab at our own reality it may seems. but at the same time, i was also laughing at myself. the things i do that is so similarly expressed in the movie.
and the one expression that really caught my expression and set me pondering. the part when gurmit and fann wong exchanged their souls and body via an accident. and they ended up living each other's life.
when is the last time we actually stepped into the shoes of others and realise the problem he/she is facing ? when is the last time we spare a thought for others and even ourselves ?
so how right you are and how wrong are others ?
do we really need to literally be in the body's of the others to realise how they feel and understand what they are going through ? what is this so that we cannot spare a thought for others.
that is because we all are selfish. you and i. everyone. much as i am very disappointed to say. we are all growing up in a selfish society. there is no we. only i. and it's ironic that in sch, we are learning abt teamwork and caring and sharing. but as far as i see for myself in these recent yrs, everyone is in a way selfish. i would say it's wrong. but neither will i approve of it. but tt is the reality here. do i change the world ? do i change the people ard me? or do i allow these people to change me ?
so do i learn to be more selfish ? well to some extend it will make me feel better.
i will only be happy when the people around me are happy. a common sentence isn't it ? but much would i like to witness it actualising, it is but a fairytale that dun exist before and around me. unless the only exception i can think of it paternal and maternal instinct. but even so, there are cases of parents and children fighting over assets. you be the judge for that sentence.
and abt the concept of just following the law. i somewhat beg to differ. law is but a set of system meted out so that maximum equality can be compromised to each and everyone of us. it doesn't necessary ensure fairness to everyone. there is no fairness. nor is there right or wrong. but nevertheless, we need to come up with a compromised right and wrong, fairness or unfairness that we all follow so that we all can co-existed. peacefully. or maybe we can put it that so that it's easier to govern ?
and blindly following the law. this issue is interesting. but i shall save it for other day. it's 3. gonna slp. work's in tml.
till then, cheers ppl.
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, March 01, 2007.