Tuesday, February 27, 2007
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 219
and here comes another monday. ok make it tuesday at the time of publishing. tt's like 1 week since i last met my cousins and all. kinda missed them but i guess it will soon be another yr before i ever see them again. but nevertheless, i'm keeping my fingers crossed.
went over to my aunt hse to stay overnight on fri. swimming in the pool at 7pm is fun. so was the dry swimming on the mahjong table till 5.30am. so are the breakfast times we had after mahjong. quality family times.
i'm a family man. =)
and after which was K-ing with the 2hm ppl. too bad i lost my voice and went offkey more often than nt. but it was pure fun and indulgence to have taupok-ing and pillow fighting in tt little room. which landed zq, jasper and i injured coz of zr.... =(
and waking up early on a sunday morning to have lunch ( hey. lunch ok. lunch. i actually met for lunch) and watching the ghost rider with joan and co. but i was half awake at tt EARLY hr.
and my boyfriend is type B is a great show.
and there goes my weekend with little slp.
but nevertheless, it was a thought-provoking weekend to end with. abt 2nd chances from the GHOST rider. and tt one thing that was always on my mind.
it was a weekend fulls of acts of contradictions.
i wish, i wanted.
but i couldn't, i didn't.
i always thought tt's the last thing on my mind. but apparently, i've been deceiving myself for long. or perhaps, it was nver the last thing.
well. life is full of contradictions and irony isn't it ?
tml will be a better day. i hope. so will the future. i wish.
but nevertheless, thru the years, i've learnt that luck is never on my side.
and i better be contented with what i have on hand. it's a gamble that i dun think that i'm gonna take anyway.
cheers people. it will be a wonderful week for u and i. i hope.
guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, February 27, 2007.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 218
today we talk abt CNY !
after so many rds of shopping with my dearest 2hm ppl and sch clique, the much anticipated CNY is finally here.
so it's back to kuantan as per norm. to be true and precise, i thought the CNY buzz wasn't exactly there like the previous yrs. and kuantan isn't exactly as happening ( esp for teenagers as said by wen mei). but i thought i quite enjoyed the quality times i had with my close ones. the little chats here and there. and the quality malayu and canto conversations we had and all. lovely feeling i must say. and i relish the thoughts of it.
and i thought i really enjoyed the times and little chats with my cousins. and li ann included.
not forgetting the food. the drinks. and the madness and all.
though it's a once a yr thing.
and i thought i quite missed all of them.
and till i see you all again. soon hopefully. take care people.
and as i was saying. the times we had, of dinners and beach volleyball, of cards and mahjong, of videos and beach going, of eating and drinking and so many many more.
the 3 days are always too short. but for nw, the 3 days are imprinted fresh in my memories and i hold it dear to me for nw.
guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, February 21, 2007.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 217
today, we talk abt education and friends.
friend. a word too frequently misused. and a word too often misunderstood.
so how do u define a friend?
and how do you be a friend to others?
or maybe how good a friend are you ?
i for one, have been very skeptical abt making friends recently. it's easy to make friends. but it's difficult to keep them. and i'll gonna cling on to the few grps i have for nw and commit myself to them.
i've too many accquiantance. but for ground do i keep them? it takes 2 hands to clap. and since they are nt as responsive and sincere abt staying in touch, on what grounds binds us?
i believe that in being genuine to the ppl ard me. being who i thought is the real me. may i seem childish at times. or even throwing a trantrum. not being afraid to show what i feel. and i thought i expect the same from ppl ard me. ppl who i considered friends. it's abt being open. it's abt being comfortable with each other.
and i dun expect anything in return. neither do i expect anything from them. tt's what would call friendship.
i've really got no idea why i want to touch on this.
and let's talk abt education. 3yrs of poly life. gone. and i thought i learnt more from being a CI than from my course. while it's true tt i've gain the technical knowledge from all my labs and theory lessons.
and i dun wish to carry on anymore. as in bloggin abt these.
guohuilist turned back time on Saturday, February 10, 2007.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 216
what's right and what's wrong ?
is morally right considered legally right ?
is legally right considered morally right ?
and how do u define morally right ?
how do u define legally right ?
and how right is your right ?
how wrong is your wrong ?
maybe i think too much..
seem to be doing any other things except to be studying for tml test.
damn fifa 07
damn warcraft 3 and dota
damn the tv
damn tt times magazine
damn tt readers digest
damn MSN
damn logistic room list
damn j2me book
damn phone calls and sms
damn snacks and drinks
damn tt vodka.
and my RF paper is in 14 hrs time.
great. i even found time for these
us at the national stadium cheering the lions on
the guys each with diff facial expression

zq, guohui, mich and ziyan before the match
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, February 01, 2007.