Wednesday, January 31, 2007
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 215
caught babel with qiang and jasper last night and it totally left us clueless on what the director is trying to portray. so much of an award winning film that we were left puzzled and confused.
did a little research online after we got home and had a brief discussion with jasper over it. and after which we came to a conclusion that it will help a lot if we understood the origin of the word "babel". interestingly, as according to wikipedia, the word "babel came to means :
"In Gen. 11:9, the name of Babel is etymologized by association with the
Hebrew verb balal, "to confuse or confound": Balal is regarded as a contraction of earlier *balbal. The name bab-ilu in Akkadian means "gate of god" (from bab "gate" + ilu "god"). The word "bab-el" can also be seen to mean "gate of god" (from bab "gate" + el "god"). "
quoted from that from another derivation,
the word babel comes from the Bible story at Babylon, where the people thought they could live without God. In order to get to heaven, they constructed a enormous tower, the Tower of Babel. God was not pleased and to punish them he destroyed the tower and divided the people into different cultures, so they would have problems communicating with each other.
with that i thought i understood what the director is trying to portrayed from the four short stories which somewhat every character in each of the 4 story is connected with each other. and that effective communication is vital.
the synopsis of the movie is as quoted.
"In the remote sands of the Moroccan desert, a rifle shot rings out - detonating a chain of events that will link an American tourist couple’s frantic struggle to survive, two Moroccan boys involved in an accidental crime, a nanny illegally crossing into Mexico with two American children and a Japanese teen rebel whose father is sought by the police in Tokyo."
in my opinion, i thought it will be a a lot better to allow the viewers to know what or hw the word babel comes abt and that alone will allow us viewers to appreciate what the director is trying to drive across. nevertheless, it's quite thought-provoking as i went thru the 2 hr long movie. what's more, who am i to judge the director for his film? my capacity of a viewer?
interesting. and i came upon a more interesting fact. the film which i watched recently, apocalypto, depicted the a tower of babel look-alike in the one of the mayan tribe in the scene which shows the sacrification of jaguar paw's tribemen.
and to that, after thinking back abt apocalypto and my previous post, i realised that i missed out quite a fair bit of my thoughts. dun tink i want to elaborate more abt the movie though. the main pt which i got was really survival of the fittest and i realise that there are more hidden details which mel glibson cleverly hid in the many scenes.
and speaking of which, the movies i watched recently spoke of language not in my tongue and very thought provoking. and are all rated M18. interesting.
and i ought to be studying nw. staying at home isn't as effective as i thought.
guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, January 31, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 214
just wanna summarize my super tiring day for nw and a quick movie review before i headed for my 14 hrs long slping session.
friday was spent studying in sch before heading to singpost to print the ssgt, sgt retest and 2nd class drill badge scoresheets before heading down to cchs. and it is a whopping 375 sheets of papers printed. had dinner with jiamin and donglin at old airport rd
woke up a few hrs later and headed down to cchs to take the duno-hw-many-session but-finally-the-last rd of promotion test. it's a good time we finished before the sky darken. headed to parkway to get some snacks before cabbing to the kallang stadium to catch the sg vs msia match. i was damn high. my whole grp was damn high. jas was damn high. it was a great match with lots of superb tackles and passes from the SG team. one of the best match i have ever seen them play of late. was quite impresssed by ridhuan and precious. SG drew 1-1 with msia till after extra time and went for the penalty kick which SG won 6-5. Lional Lewis saved the day with a superb save from the last penalty taker from Msia.
caught mel glibson's apocalyto on thurs with my class ppl. the explict display of blood, gore and violent was very generous. lots of gore and blood. i thought the movie was quite well done and action-packed. till the very last min. lots of hidden humour. lots of nudity from the mayan tribe. but what it seems to me is a very stimulated reality of the survival of the fittest. esp when guts, pure muscle power and brain is concern. and esp to the tribes. set me thinking on a lot of issues. with respect to tt pt the movie is trying to bring across.
though the excessive blood wasn't what i was looking out for. but mel glibson has certainly made a movie tt surpass his gladiator. =)
mind's going blank and i'm getting slpy. shall be updating again. meanwhile cheers ppl.
cheers to lionel lewis and the lions for the wonderful win over msia.
and to the many hot-blooded passionate SG supporters t make tt match so interesting.
and to my dear brothers for being as high as i am.
and ms PEACH tea and zy for being there with us and nt whinning abt the rain.
meanwhile, i need my slp. i got weak constitution like my bro zr u know.
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, January 28, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 213
weekend was splendid to be precise. but i guess that i have to declare that it will be the end of my fun for nw. too much wine and too fun ain't a very good thing. esp when my papers are coming.
met up with ziyan, mich and the guys to shop for kailing present in bugis after np. had our very first neoprint taken after knowing each other since 2001.
and met up zr and zq to buy the cake for kailing at white sands on sat. on a side note, i dun tink i am going to buy any more cakes because i always seems to be choosing cakes that nobody likes. haha.
why like tt ?
why like tt?
then met the rest of the ppl at mac before heading down to fisherman's village for dinner. the ambience wasn't tt fantastic. esp when it's after a heavy downpour. the food was ok. but the "menu" was very nice and quite good looking.
and headed to The labybrinth near paradiz centre for a drink after dinner. it was always fun being together with the 2hm ppl. we are all so naturally high, and esp so after drinks. and we always managed to entertain ourselves with all kinds of silly activities.
and once again, i constructively spend my sunday sleeping.
i guess tt's it for nw. pics galore for nw and i'm back to my man utd match and RF report later. cheers ppl.
the guys
the girls
together. but they dun like the black forest cake i chose for kailing. i'm so disppointed
at The Labybrinth
the guys with our drinks.
mich, ziyan and guohui
ziyan, guohui and kailing the birthday girl
guohui and ziyan who is trying to be little red riding hood

zong rong and guohui being obsessed with the candle.

and a very happy 20th birthday to kailing, today (22th jan 2007). =)
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, January 22, 2007.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 212
am so glad to be home at 4.26pm and blogging. and i still have tons of things to do for the rest of the week. am yes. the fact that i am here means tt i'm nt utilizing my time properly and prioritizing them correctly.
list of things to churned out:
1) RF report on the small signal amplifier
2) work on my java program due tml
3) prepare for my RF quiz tml
4) study for my papers. ( since 2 weeks ago but making no significant progress)
5) unit updates on what we instructors have to do for tml
6) prepare the ssgt retest criteria for the NCOs.
and meanwhile, i'm waiting to see if it will rain. dun wanna jog in the rain though.
and thank gosh i survived the temptations of buying new clothes ytd in town.
and today's satellite and optical com lab test is a real killer. almost blinded myself in the process. and
why is everyone's graph so different ?
why is my attentuation reading wrong ?
why is my 3dB cut-off pt so off ?
why do i use my ATM card as my ruler ?
and CSW work is crap.
and why does Laos lose 9-0 when i am banking on them to win vietnam 2 -1 so that i can be 500 bucks richer.
why i only won 35 bucks on the Singapore drawing with Indonesia ?
ok. i'm churning out rubbish at the moment again. out of pt. out of pt.
and another couple of interesting thoughts to share.
how do u think the world will be if everyone acts and thinks the way like you youselves do? since we all have so much complaints and grumbles on other ppl ard us. so imagine the world acting and thinking like you do, will it be as perfect as what you have in mind ?
if nt, perhaps it's time to reflect on yourself. and do something abt it.
and will u be selfish for greater good ?
selfless for selfish gains ?
selfish for selfless gains ?
think abt it. ppl. be aroused. be amazed.
life's complicated in simplicity.
meanwhile cheers ppl . weekend is drawing near. i am looking forward to meet the 2hm ppl to celebrate KL 20's bdae.
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, January 18, 2007.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 211
meant to blog ytd noon but somehow blogger disagree with my actions and decided to del my post again. cheers to blogger.
am feeling kinda slpy at the moment. brain nt exactly functioning properly too. so my words might be incoherent. but then again, dun i always feel slpy and brainless? so i guess the rainy weather is no excuse for making me feel sleepy all the time.
i slpt thru my weekend. i slpt on the train to sch. i slpt during lectures. i slpt while standing on the train back home. i slpt when i got home. and i am still feeling slpy.
and while at it, let me just blame the rainy weather for putting on hold my resolution to resume my jogging session. and i dun even play bball anymore. so i guess the only exercise i am doing besides walking from teaching blk to teaching blk is eating and tt isn't a very good thing.
the only consolation is that i've got ulcers in my mouth and tt discourages me from eating unneccessary. and the growth of TT pimple on my nose discourages me from eating oily food much. yes. i haven have any pimple for a long long time and OMG. it suddenly pops up now? it's so damn irritating and tempting for me to just squeeze it out. gross. sick.
and lab test on mon is so damn screwed.
and i've been telling myself to study since 2 weeks ago and i have not even started to dig out my lecture notes. exams is in 2 weeks time. yet i seem to find myself having too much time on hand to do any other stuff but study.
and i re-read tuesdays with morrie for the 4th time. and it touched me yet again. from yet another pt of view. morrie's aphorism always have tt inspiring effect on me everytime i read it. and especially when i'm the last stretch of journey in NPCC as a CI. and most probably my last lap in CCHSM NPCC. there is so much that i wanted to do. and as the time get shorter, i realies that there are more and more things that i wanted to do. that i want to achieve. i'm selfish and i want to leave with no regrets. i want to have a happy memory of what i have done for my 7.5 yrs in cchsm npcc. it has give me so much and i ought to give back as much. yet, while i don't want to hang on too long, i don't wanna let go too soon. but 3yrs of cadet's life, 1 yr of NCO life and 3.5 yrs of CI life is enough for me. enough said. 6 more mths to go. and it's time to say goodbye.
and 3 more weeks to go. for my sem to finish. and it's over. i hope. things don't seem too optimistic.
and brother chee, i know it's time to get back on track. what makes things worse is i know i'm off track and i want to do something abt it and i'm nt doing anything abt it. tt feeling sucks. big time. am inducing and tuning myself to. hope it won't be too late. but time is not on my side. definitely not this time rd.
i guess i ought to be slping. it's 12. and nw tt i'm making it a pt to slp early.
some grp photos in no particular order
2hm ppl at esther house on new yr's eve.

the guys with our post xmas celebration meal.
2hm at playgrd for countdown.
the guys and ivan, yunhui and zirui at K.
i guess tt's all i have for nw. plenty of photos but lazy to post up. someday. they shall be. meanwhile. cheers. it will be a good day tml. i hope
guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, January 16, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 210
there is either something wrong with blogger or there is something wrong with my com that I have difficulties trying to load the page. damn. and i am supposed to post this post up 3 days ago.
for tt matter aside, it's finally friday. ok. maybe finally isn't exactly the correct word to use. it sounds like i'm having a bad week and looking forward to the weekends. thought i actually am, i dun really exactly have a bad week. have had a pretty decent yet. won't say it's constructive but to the very least, i did not do something destructive.
for the very first time in 2 to 3 mths, i actually played bball. and i seriously cannot put the joy i had into words. though i was not very much bad to my former self, i actually enjoyed the game. and i even managed to squeeze in jog on monday noon. so much for a hectic life while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
resume my online routine life once again. but still making it a pt to slp early and BE ON TIME FOR LESSON. which i am proud to say that i have been for the past 4 days. tt alone deserve a pat on my back.
for nw, plenty of catching up to do for sch, lots of following up to do for np, while finding time to maintain my healthy lifestyle. and to squeeze out time to catch up with friends.
and jon is enlisting today as of 12 jan. all the best to him as he embarks on his new chp in his life with the army. and i shall be missing his constant nagging to keep my hair short and tidy. and our long phone conversation on thursday night to discuss what we have to do for the friday activity. soon it will be harry and yours sincerely's turn.
and there will be AGM later with Mrs Wan, my 3rd OC for my stay in cchsm npcc.
and there is another interview with my RF lecturer later which i ought to prepare now.
and so much things to do. so little time to spare. it's all abt maximising the time on hand guohui. it's time to do as much as i think and say.
i guess tt's all i have for nw. cheers ppl
guohuilist turned back time on Friday, January 12, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 209
thinking and looking back at my previous post, i seriously have spent quite a substantial amt of thing on npcc associated matters, be it on catching with people i know from npcc or unit matters. but i thought i truly enjoyed what i was doing. and the times i spend with these ppl. and it's thru these ppl and cca that i once again stressed that, i see what see the world. the many different kind of ppl that actually exist.
i was talking to jon and lam the other day. It's so amazing and interesting how npcc has come to means to many ppl, be it a cadet or an instructor. If ever we think back on the purpose of how the UG actually comes about and it's objective that is, you will be amazed to find that the true and original meaning of npcc has evolved over these years. and at that, there are a thousand and one definitions and objectives of joining or rather being involved in npcc-related activity out there. and this alone really amazes me.
but one thing is for sure. i see myself being in npcc as a passion. or to be precise, being involved in cchsm npcc. and it will NOT evolved into obsession. It will not be my life. and i'm glad i've come into contact with it. though i duno why i joined cchsm npcc in the first place. oxymoronic huh ? thinking back, it has really allowed me to meet ppl from all walks of life, and it has changed me. the guohui u meet today is certainly very different from the guohui u know ytd and definitely will not be the same tml. the way i think, the way i act and the way i see things have very much changed. though i may still appears to be the same old guohui to the same old ppl i know. esp to the 2hm cliques. but the fact is being with them is really the time i dun really show the serious side of me or even coming out to take charge. though i dun really understand why.
just like the time when the 4 of us were discussing abt how right or how wrong kira appears to be in death note. i know i have a lot to share, many pts of view to bring across, but somehow, it appears that i rather remain silent for most of the time. i'm sorry but perhaps u guys are not ready to accept the serious side of guohui. or maybe i'm nt ready to share such ideas to u all yet. it's interesting to note how i think this way, considering that we've known each other for such a long time. perhaps it boils down to the fact that we have not really worked together on something just yet. not too long ago, i had the same response with kailing and mich who even thought that i was jokingly serious.
i have no problem talking serious stuff, issues and viewpt abt life, seeking heart to heart talk with brother chee, lam and jon. in fact, i could talk for hours with lam and jon just on unit issues alone. and consult chee on the issues i had on hand.
ok. perhaps this blogging session is heading now where. just a random thought what i am feeling nw.
the only fair thing that we all have in this world is that everyone has got 24 hrs. and how we utilized this 24 hrs is all tt matters to be successful. other than that, we are starts on different playing field. --- chee siong.
and i guess somehow i hate to agree on that. and that i've lost too much time in transition already all these while. it's time to be effective. it's time to do as much as i think. and i guess tt's my resolution for this yr.
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, January 08, 2007.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 208
been very occupied with life for the past few weeks; been doing some catching up with some old friends, been busy with npcc stuff, and energising myself.
and i have not been exactly online after dec 25 due to the taiwan earthquake affecting singnet and thus affecting the poor singnet user me who cannot even sign on to MSN.
hmm... major events for the days after the OBBD course
dec 17 was the chalet / bbq with the interarea project ppl at changi.
dec 18 was spent at CMPB for my pre-enlistment checkup, certified PES A. combat fit for all vocations.
dec 24 was christmas eve. went to k with the brothers and ivan, countdown at vivocity and headed to zq's house for post christmas supper. FINE food and FINE drinks.
dec 27 was out with the cchsm npcc instructors at mac from 4pm to 9.30pm for meeting the new CIs as well to discuss the workplan. it was followed by catching the curse of the golden flower with jasper and zq. It's a pretty interesting movie i must say. pretty in depth. with lots of self thoughts required. I thought i like the movie a lot. though it pretty seems to be very extravagant and exaggerating on the screenset. but i thought that the outcome pretty much justified for the fact tt it's a big budget production.
dec 29 was a whole day workplan meeting with the TOs and all the instructors. following tt is the instructors' dinner at fish and co. and a long long phone call sessin with jon at home.
dec 30 was lunch and meeting up with jon for a continuation of our discussion on some unit stuff. followed by book reading session at the esplanade. and met up jasper to shop at marina square, then to meet zq, zr, zirui, ivan and yunhui at katong. sing. dinner. pool and something. i forgot.
dec 31 was steamboat dinner at home. fine food and find wine describes it all. and the usual chat as we eat session. and after dinner, headed to esther's house for countdown. entertained ourselves with silly games. mahjong session, playground and swing sessions, nonsensical drink water game spells fun for the night.
jan 2 was the meeting up with dear old deltarians for late lunch at new york new york. it was once again much fun talking, teasing the waitress and waiter, making candy floss. then to esplanade again for some chatting sessions. adjourned at marina square anderson for ice cream. ( ok. it was plainly the 9 of us watchign sylvia eat) then off to meet lam at raffles shopping centre BK to do the brochure design. ended up chatting all the way till BK closes. then to city hall train station where we chatted all the way till the las train. seriously. old ppl like us have plenty to talk abt. haha.
jan 3 and jan 4 was spent at cchsm for preparation for the sec 1 recruitment drive. and scavanger hunt ard cchs for pallets and zinc sheets for the campfire. and the soaking of the firewood. jan 4's night was scouting ard cchs for dinner with lam and more chatting session.
jan 5 was the recruitment drive itself. and the campfire itself. my last formal project with jon. campfire turned out fine. despite the rain scares. had KFC and packed rice with kerosene-soaked hands.
jan 6 was the area cleaning for the campfire, then met up dear old bro chee and liyuan for lunch at parkway MOS burger. had much fun reminiscing abt old times, our current life and how complicated life is going to be when we grew up. then shopped ard parkway with chee and plenty of chatting along the way. then met the brothers for dinner, headed for TJC OG night in hafiz car and death note at TM.
and here i am on jan 7, slept till 5pm. deprived of slp for the past few weeks. and tt's a very nice feeling to catch up on lost slp time. brain dead. shall continue tml.
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, January 07, 2007.