LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 186
exams incoming. but i'm breathing np and football at the moment to feel any jitters for the exams. which is kinda worrying. hope i dun do very badly for my papers. dun really think i can absorb much while studying the odds of singapore pools and watching world cup matches at the same time. =(
went ubin with my sec 4 juniors on friday morning. It started out pouring in the morning but by the time we finished our bak chor mee at changi village ( yea. nice uncle who related the jeff gomez podcast to me.), the rain stopped.
anyway, led this bunch of pampered urban kids to cycle ard ubin. had fun with them all. yea. though i realise i did much of the organising ( i was supposed to be invite k, nt the organiser), tourguiding and all. yea. cycling in the rain was fun. so was seeing jane cycling in poncho. so was looking after them. (boys never know what danger is). so was chatting with them all.
had a great time at ubin with these kids.
so was studing for exams while the worldcup is on. cheers.
guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, June 27, 2006.
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have been real busy and caught up with npcc stuff for the past few weeks. last week was no exception. And i realised that just as before, i enjoyed the buzz, even though it was very taxing to catch soccer matches and wake up early for the activities.
Well, it was the LMSC last week held at chung cheng. again. yeah. this time rd, i was the logistic officer doing admin stuff and many more other stuff. yeah. the course at chung cheng was pretty well done, with the exception of the absense of TKGS and TKSS. Got to know many other instructors from other schools more. but the core of the interaction lies within the people of chung cheng main. haha..
for the course, i opted nt to be a squad instructor. i was so drained to see a squad passing out and i realise that it won't be fair to my squad if i were to take one if i dun give in 100% commitment to them. esp when this is a leadership course and i am training them to be good NCOs. even though i stepped in at times to take squad, i was grateful that i did not take a squad of my own.
which i realise that i've commited myself to the last batch of NCOs. so much so that when they passed out, i felt so drained and so detached for a moment. but all good things will come to an end, and for now, i'll be recharging myself to see another batch thru. committing myself to bring out the best in them for the upcoming term. i hope.
went to their chalet last weekend. it was fun getting to know more abt them. and realise how much they bonded as a squad.
and to their movie outings on friday.
had lots of fun cycling at ubin with esther, ziyan and the brothers. the bashing part was fun. and i' m so glad that the girls were so sporting even though the terrain wasn't exactly favourable. had a fun day at ubin. though it was amusing seeing them getting so fascinated on the bumboat. haha.
ok. i realise that i had enough of fun and it's time to start studying for my papers next week. i hope. cheers to all. =)
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, June 19, 2006.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 184
ok. today is the day. the day of the POP of NCO batch 05/06. finally. the time has arrived. the kids i saw entering the unit when i was an NCO has passed out. It was a POP filled with joys and laughter. and tears to go. it was the day which i realise that the little kids i saw when they were sec 1, to being troublesome sec 2, confidence-lacking sec 3 to NCOs. and today i saw, the end product : 26 outstanding individuals in their own ways. i realise how much everyone of them has grown. especially over the past year. so much so much. some to the extend that i am so proud of who they have become.
this batch of NCOs are really amazing in a sense. it was one which allows me to look at them in a different light every time i see them. randy, ken tat, jeffrey proved to be very enthusistic despite their very initial turnouts. diqiang, though suddenly turned very enthu for the last 6mth, i hope he had some wonderful memories to go along in his npcc life. donglin and jasmine which i thought did a spendid job being the chairperson despite initially overlook the part on task delegation. Jun Hong and Eileen did their job well, as both squad taking NCOs and camp coord. I realise that they are very down to earth ppl who will excel in their fields of responsiblity despite not venturing out to volunteer. Jonanthan is one NCO whom i really view in different light. He matured so much in his NCO-hood. i'm really proud of him for who he is today. same goes for jiamin. though quiet and blur looking, i thought she did a good job in her roles in the unit. Not forgetting her hardskills. Hui Jie is another NPCC enthu since sec 1. the deserving BUC of his batch alongside with Jasmine. In melvin, i see shades of myself taking my squad in a light hearted, concern yet firm manner in my pt of view. Jeng Khit's in the mould of khai wan in his own way. i realise that being a sec 1 squad NCO's the right choice for him. Ai Jia, being 18 is always looks responsible to me. Runling is also another very responsible NCO, ssetting herself as a good example to all. And there is angeline, whom i always thought looks very good in long hair. That cannot-sit- still ballet girl in my pt of view. hope she had some fruitful days in NPCC. yang sheng was motivating in his own rights and ways. Jerene, though ironice that she always falls out, become a medic in his own rights. Jane was one very unique NCO, showing her love for NPCC in her own way. Joyce, my "fav." NCO though fears millipede, command respect from her cadets in her way. zeng wei was fierce and responsible with bits of BHB. and the list goes on for nicky, kenneth, anyu, xuan ying, tuck jun, joo san... i hope i din miss out anyone.
I am nt very sure my past yr with them was a fruitful one. Best as i could, i tried to allow everyone to achieve something in their years in NPCC. yet i think as of today, the many many things that they did over the years, ultimately achieve 1 single goal that i wish my juniors will achieve in time. besides passing down the things they learned, influencing the minds of many young cchsm npcc cadets, it is the strong bonds they had when they passed out. the 4 yrs of friendship forged, in harsh conditions thru tekan session and all. today, i see friends of times passing out together, drilling for the last time. which very much reminds me of the days i experience the same with mine. except for the crying scenario. Though they might not remember me in time to come, i do hope the values and culture we instill in them will always be in them. and with that, i hope it will be useful in their life for a very long time.
with that, i wish them all the best for what futures lie ahead for them.

sec 1 squad 03

NCO batch 05/06
3 cheers to all of you all. =)
guohuilist turned back time on Friday, June 09, 2006.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 183
soon as i realised it, my 3rd annual camp in cchsm npcc has come to an end. as a CI. my 7th camp in my npcc life to be exact. time flies. and i am getting older by the yr. next yr will be my very last. if i can make it.
and before i know it, i am abt to witness the passing out of another batch of NCO. the very cadets which i saw grow up. they were once the cadets tt we recruited when i was an NCO. though nt their squad taking NCO, i saw them grew up to become responsible NCOs. through the yrs, i actually see how many of them matured to become a unique mould of their own in npcc. esp when they going thru their NCOship. flaws are acertain in them. but as individual, i realise that they are excel in their own aspects.
ok. back to the camp. this is one of the few times when i actually had few interaction with the campers. except maybe the sec 3s and the NCOs. a couple of sec 1 cadets. it was the usual stuff with fire fighting and campfire building and all. shall not elaborate too much. am tired to blog at the moment. maybe i'll be continueing later. back to elearning for now that is.
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, June 05, 2006.