LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 182
just a quick post before i am off packing my stuff for NCO and annual camp tml. so i gonna be over at chung cheng for the week. though nt deprived of internet, i dun really think that i have the time to blog anyway.
many thanks to all the people for their well wishes on 25th may. you know what is the occasion and you know who you are. damn. i'm sooo damn old now. no matter it is just a simple gesture over the phone, sms or little presents, really really appreciate them lots. it's the thought that counts. =)
oh, before i forgot, i really need to train up soon. jogged 2.4km and 10 km last week. did 3 sets of 10 pullups. and i am feeling the ache all over even till now. and another 5 km for the east coast park run on friday morning. cheers to me.
had another AS lab test today. tink i did fairly well. except i got my potentiometer in flames due to a unnecessaary act. duh. omg. so dead.
camp's in tml. and Mr Kwek gonna mentioned tt i will be in the unit forever. again. for the agm. =)
guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, May 30, 2006.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 181
i broke my routine. i am actually blogging on a tuesday nite. ok. wednesday morning to be exact. just finished my soldering for the octagen project and now lazing ard the com.
ok. to be exact i wasn't lazing ard. am waiting for the student intranet to load so that i can send an email to the ITP board to complain abt the student allowance my ITP company paid me. the simlim shop that i worked in for 4 days. to think they delayed my paid since late march till now, requiring my paycheque to be balanced into the account for 2 months. and to think that they proclaim that the student allowancc is a big amount that requires a long time to process. i am really glad that i chose to be transferred to the company in boonlay that i have benefitted so much, have a more trustable wage scheme to follow, a reputable company. despite travelling across the island from tampines to boonlay for work everyday for 6 weeks.
before anyone of you are wondering what the big hooha i am fussing about. allow me to show u my cheque for 4days work. ok i was on MC for 2 days. even so, i worked from 10am to 9.30pm for 2 days with 15mins of lunch time.

well, a picture paints a thousand words. so does the few nice figures. even NPCC claims i filed from hq every 3mths surpass these figures.
[ though i can't really compared the claims these way. the work i've done at np is higher significance and is done out of passion. and i realise i haven been bothering to claim for close to a yr. =( ]
in any case, i realise that NEVER in my life am i ever going to work at simlim ( which i dun even think i'll anyway. i'm into telecom and simlim shld be way way off my boundary. ). or service shop like the company again. i'm nt mentioning names here in case i get sued for defaming them. but if u like, pls refer to my archives. shld be there posts ago.
actually for now, i am nt really pissed abt the meagre wage. i mean i am there for learning. but is the attitude of the company. and the way they handle things. the dragging and all. and how they dun go according to the proposed allowance scheme. and for goodness sake, how much input have i contributed within my 2 days of work. and to tink they actually responded that my allowance was cut coz my leave incurred loss for the company. rubbish.
ok. not brooding abt it anymore.
had Analog system PBIL today. it was open booked. individual work. but i ended up having an open dissussion with adelina thru out the whole hr. =) and i got so pissed off when my values suddenly disappear when the lecturer comes to inspect the value due to loss connection. sad case.
and i better stop the habit of scoldign lecturer senile. like how i did for the other module. even though i am correct and they do it the wrong way, insist that i am wrong. and their method shows that it is wrong. and i do it my way. i am correct. and they start to realise that i am correct.
think respect.
guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, May 24, 2006.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 180
i guess i'm getting habitual with sunday blogging. breeze past week 6. and soon from next week on it will be the PBIL week and the lab test.
which also implies that the annual camp is coming. i like annual camps. the idea of being in an npcc environment is great. u get to learn new things and apply them. from everyone ard you. most probably the last camp tt i am gonna have.
and after that, another batch of NCO is going to pass out. and the cycle will go on again. it's a cycle that we all have to follow. a transistion. a change. and soon, some of them will join my ranks. and i'll pass on my duties. everyone and everything has got a place in time.
watched da vinci code ytd. kinda refresh my memories of the book i read 2 yrs ago. nthing much to comment on the moment. just feel kinda normal after that.
actually i've got nth much to touch upon. i mean all the thought i had were all lost in transistion in the week itself.
oh ya. nt so long ago, i was asking a friend of mine why is he so keen to join the societies in his school. to get the know more friends was his reply. that i believe will be what many will reply too. "come and join us to meet new friends" does this even sound familiar to you in life?
yet to me, i would not want to get to know more friends for now. or technically speaking, u call them acquaintances. how well do u actually know this new stranger to call him a friend? or how long can u keep this friendship to last i may ask? i know i am practical. it does pay to be one. so what if u have got many acquaintances with few to keep ? so what if mr popular is always surrounded by ppl? i dun give a damn. for now. connecting with my classmates, close friends and cca mates is my priority in my social circle now. i'm nt isolating myself from strangers. but i won'tgo out there and make new acquaintances for the time being.
well. for now. this is all i have to offer. cheers ppl
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, May 22, 2006.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 179
another week is gone. i mean gone gone gone. basically, it's just a very short week. except for wed, had a pissed off encounter with a senile lecturer who flunked my fren and waste my time figuring out how right i was for my circuit. and basic principal of IT law was damn fun. arthur poh with his crap, pro PAP talks and all.
actually shall nt talk too much abt my studies. it's kinda ptless to discuss abt it when u sch 5 days a week and still discuss it on weekends. =(
went swimming on sat. too bad there isn't much sun to tan. i'm so into swimming these few weekends. the sun, the tan and the water. then watched MI 3. it's pretty da-vinci-code to me to. the plot and setting and all. haha.
had a full day np meeting on sunday at bk. it has been such a long since it took so long. and i gonna be real busy for the upcoming days. with the camps and all. i damnit like the culture with us. our ways of doing things. and the ppl. which my opinions of them improved from time to time. =)
i had 1 more yr to go as a CI, so as long as i am one, i gonna do what i am supposed to do. before i really close my case with npcc.
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
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it has been another one week nevertheless. another sunday that is to say. it hasn't exactly been a long week for me. monday is a PH and tues' a full day. then come wed, a short thurs and friday. and here i am on sunday. it's coming into the 4th week of sch and before we know it, lab test is coming on again. as presumed.
nth very much happened for the week. maybe it's just ridiculously trying to associate xueqi into our lesson life. chen yong know what i mean. besides tt, it's practically the suddenly- turned hardworking me doing tutorial, slping in class. and yes. eat slp grow fat routine. great. now i weighed 58kg. kinda heavy for a vertically challenged person like me. and tt makes me wanna exerise. i gonna swim. i gonna go jogging. at the expense of ppl asking me to. otherwise, i am just another lazy bum lazing at home slping, slping and slping. yea. annual camp and atc is coming up. i better start revision for my studies before the camp before i go on the np frenzy for the period.
afterall, this may be my last atc and annual camp. unless i serve the nation at the september intake which i don't really relish. atc dun seem to be much fun anymore. witout ppl like geraldine, boon siong, andrew, zhi wei and asrul. and cchsm is the camp coord again. but then again, i can tan myself again. =)
general election is over. i'll be voting in the next i hope. wasn't exactly very satisfied with the commotion of this time election. too much focus on non impt issues and too little ongoing on future affairs. our directions and all. which i very much want to hear abt. well. shall nt elaborate here. it's sensitive. politics is interesting but a tough game to play.
actually i wanted to blog the following for a long long time. just tt i haven got the patience to sit down and type it out.
have you all ever wondered whether you shld accept the phamplets given out on the streets. i mean, it's always a dilemma for me. for one, i wanted to save the environment. via saving paper. coz i dun really need the phamplets. if i take means more will be print and tt means more paper and tt means... and it goes on. yet, on the other hand, the ppl tt gives them out are actually depending on giving them out for their paycheck. so taking the phamplet means tt they can finish giving it out fast and knock off for the day. it's also helping them. so the big question is : which approach shld i take? to take or nt to.?
which i haven been taking for now. maybe u ppl will enlightne me with tt..
i realise tt till now, i've been skimming thru this entry. yea. i am. coz i'm rushing for a tutorial due tml. so away i have to be. for now
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, May 07, 2006.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 177
decided to stay home today since i was out for 2 nites and really need a deserving break, or rather slp in my tongue. but i ended up doing some serious room cleaning on labour day. all thanks to the heat which made me slpless.
was out shopping with my mum on sat at TM before joining zr, zq and jasper at paradiz to watch the match btwn man utd and chelsea which man utd lost and chelsea clinched the championship. den played battlefied 2 at one of the lan shops before heading home on the expensive cab.
went down to play bball for 15mins with jasper and zr on sun before wanting to go to swim at tanjong rhu. however, went to parkway to buy acc zr to buy his hp and i ended up buying a pair of jeans from topman and a jogging shorts. went to marina bay to meet up with esther, mich, kailing and ziyan after tt. den went on to scout for ktv at katong before going home.
yea. and i realise tt i'm the kinda of person who just like to take food, grill food, dishing them out to others but hardly eat any. haha. it's nt that i'm not confident of eating what i cook. but rather the joy of others eating tt satisfy me lots. and i'll usually end up having a heavier supper after dinner at marina bay for the obvious reason
nevertheless, kinda displease with some of the workers there. though it's true tt they are only doing these for a living and it's tough work, i kinda expect a more systematic and better service attitude from them. enough said.
and i realise tt some sg street, though brightly-lited dun really appear to be safe to me. maybe it's just me getting paranoid. but how safe can these streets be. esp when it looks deserted and goes a long way in. what if someone gets into trouble. where can she gets help from. ok. nvm. it's just me being paranoid over nth.
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, May 01, 2006.