Tuesday, January 24, 2006
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 157
hmm.. report writing test in 7hrs time... and i have just finished my warcraft 3 game and blogging rite here... i must be really mad...
had an interesting encounter today.
ok. in fact 2.
first time first. i tink i just created history by making my tutor laughed at himself for the first time. i was doing my tutorial presentation and i imitated his style... focusing on the word nonsense and out of a sudden, he was badly injured by my very sense of humour... omg.. i am really done for this time. and i remembered him saying no playing the fool at the very first beginning of his tutorial. and i made him the fool today... i feeel so dead for my General Performance grade...
ok.. here's the very interesting fact tt i will like to point out.
weida: guohui, how do u spell souvenir?
guohui ( brimming with confidence): wth, u so damn look k. 20yrs old still duno how to spell tt... it's ....errrr souvineir...
weida (with his hp): bo leh... u sure nt...?
guohui: positive. i pass my O lvl english de k...
weida : but the dictionary like dun have leh
guohui : ur hp is lousy la... dun use tt word la. since u duno how to spell... use mememto la. same meaning...
weida: ok ok.. how do u spell tt...
guohui : M E M O T O
weida : zun bo?
guohui : errr. dun tink so... i tink is M E M O M T O
weida: dictionary oso dun have leh.. u sux la
guohui: let me tink... is M E M EM TO...ya. correct...
weida : dun trust u le la..
just then, little alex of pri 6 walked by...
guohui: boy boy.. i give u a quiz. how to spell souvenir?
alex : souvenir...
guohui, weida stunned.. ashamed...
ok... we were outwitted by this guy waiting to take his PSLE this october... and who are we? tertiary student of 19 and 20yrs old... how cool is tt?
pt is ... i realised tt i have like lost it all... my grasp of languages command... ok... to the very least. spelling... just because poly education dun offer languages courses like english and chinese and we have no GP give us no excuses to degrade our standards of the languages... and of tt we have learnt for 12yrs... from kindergarden to O lvls... and here we are today, struggling to spell... ok... i know we sucks and tt is very much besides the pt... i finally agreed tt language is a thing tt must constantly be practised... just like the brain which we must constantly exercise to prevent dysfunctioning... just like wad i am experiencing right now... excreting too little brain juice to serve its function...
ok. i realised tt i shall have to brush up on my chinese and english... know wad? i can't read chinese anymore... and now, i am getting inability to command the english language anymore... other than sprouting nonsense with a mixture of other languages. my english totally sucks... degrading...
to tink i was the english rep... sry Mr Lee... lol...
i seriously fear for my reporting writing test tml... fear of failing due to my atrocious usage of the english language... illegible. and tt microsoft words cannot even save my ass this time round... great...
or seriously. i had better start slping now ... for fresher mind later...
guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, January 24, 2006.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 156
am bloggin coz of the sudden urge. i duno why all of a sudden, i feel like a total jerk. and i just suddenly got lost in transition.
i duno wad's with my mentality. the guohui i see in the mirror is nt the guohui i have known myself to be. another change. another transition. another mindset. ]
well, i guess somethings are best kept silent.
4 yrs of waiting. 3 chances of lost opportunity. 2 heartbreaks suffered. 1 thought of giving up.
it sums it all.
and the worse thing is. it all revolves ard me.
great. lol. NONSENSE sprout.
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, January 19, 2006.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 155
home finally after a long day of holding the ssgt promo in chung cheng. it is just one of those days when u spend 18hrs in school for testing for a result. yeap, fun in a way, mind taxing in a way. esp when u are the tester. setting a reasonable grade, giving interview, tinking of interview questions, receiving their ideas, access their capability. not as easy as it sounds. for experince tell me so... for the past few ssgt test i have conducted.
ok, for this batch, maybe for once or once in a loong time, they get to see another serious side of me. just yet... maybe?
i won't be touching on their results. but i am quite disappointed with some ppl. i had had some expectation for them. but i am disappointed.
key word of the day: confidence. not achieved.
in fact, kinda really disappointed with some ppl for their NCO-hood. i mean, they are ppl with the capability to do things. the key point is whether they want to and whether they go abt doing it the correct way. i had high hopes for them. by far, after watching them mature. at least some of them for the past 7 mths.
i'm nt talking big. but i really want them to achieve at least something before they passed out. and i am talking abt this very seriously. coz i have not yet feel so strongly to do tt for the past few batches i have took. ok, maybe only 2. but this time rd, i want to help most of them realise something. with my colleagues. key word is want to. pt is do they want to?
i hope so. coz i realise i have not yet gone so far to reach out to some of them. as in really close to mentoring.
ok. i digressed. i have spoken too much on npcc.
maybe i am going gaga over buying 2 jackets in a week.
or maybe is my mental disability. my lack of slp.
i'm tired.
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, January 15, 2006.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 154
i duno wad's with me but it is in me to blog on every sunday... ok, if monday morning is the exactly time to use...
am having this toast with ice cream rite now... u noe, the warm crusty toast topped with ice cold ice choc ice cream? ya rite... perfectly fine for a cold weather like now... in fact, it has been raining like this for the past weeks... the kinda of weather which makes u wanna go on a slumber? or even to cuddle close to someone close? har... i'm outta my mind...
maybe i'll still so slpy rite now... practically slpt the whole day... woke up at 1 to have brunch... and slpt all the way till 5pm... idling by the com till now... wad more can i do on a freezing sunday... too lazy to go out, too nua to do anything...
had been busy with my mid sem papers for the week tt i actually did minimal helping out for the annual cca drive structure tying... and i duno why watch tower building has become a tradition for npcc... i guess somehow, khai wan and i started this very crazy tradition.... and it has carried on since our batch ? but nevertheless, i guess it is a good team bonding activity for the NCOs. i presumed... i had had fun during my sec 4 days... and my CI days...
esp building structure in the rain... not sensible, totally stupid, but we did it all the same... same goes for this batch of NCOs... i guess it is in the blood of the chung chengian in npcc.
cca drive was somehow very much like the past. very messy and disorganised, disoriented. i hope the kids have their lesson learned tt in life, esp when u are a leader, u have to learn to adapt to the situation. u have to adapt... coz life is nt a bed of rose and will never be one..
i guess i shall skip tt pt here...
so kids, lesson learned huh? i hope...
i guess somehow my mentality changes again... maybe i've matured. or maybe i've become childish...
i no longer thinks tt being regimental says it all to a good way to maintain an organisation. once so in awe and following the strict code of conduct, i've somehow change my mindset. though i've always like the days of the civil war of the americans, when regimental seems so cool and so in the air. whr ranks and honours and chilvary goes hand in hand. now i am thinking so uncoventional. and i hope my antics at tt for my unit will not degrade us all...
speaking of chilvary, i realise that these days, these words dun stand a single shit. gone are the days of chivalry. which i think is totally gentleman and the way of man. but nowadays, i hardly see people practise tt. u dun se guys opening doors for ladies by the car or before entering the door anymore. u dun see guys pulling chairs for ladies anymore. no more ladies first...
and i tink tt is a very disappointing thing. coz i believe in chivalry. i do practise to an extent. i grew up to think tt chivalry is wad is expected of a guy... but somehow the world now prove me wrong. at least my present world.
and ya, i am not pretending to be a gentleman. coz i think i am still beneath tt status. but pls do not say tt i am pretending to be one. just some random musing here though.
i guess i shall be ending off rite here at the moment. sch's in tml. and i think i am still in a holiday trance... ahhh..
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, January 09, 2006.
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 153
it is 13hrs before my next and last paper and i am here blogggin? there really is something going wrong in me... at least i completed my revision... at the very least i hope so...
just wanna post some pics tt i took over the new yr with the 2hm ppl.

one nice 2hm portrait...

ok.. the zou zou act cool look by all...

the brotherhood of 2hm... jasper, zong rong, zhen qiang and me

spastic pic by the 4 of us again

me and esther's horny cat

my treat... the banana lovers...
actually, i am feeling rather good of this homely new yr countdown celebration than seeing girls being molested at town... i mean... this is damn incorrigible in my pt of view... and noe wad, the shocking ratio of male to female in town was like 1 : 10... and most of the girls make it worse by wearing minimal cloth clothes... making themselves a target of molest to both the local males and of course, the bangala... of course, i dun have a hatred for these bangala... even though cedric always say i have...
in fact, i find it very fascinating abt them coming to work in SG. able to cope with the work, the ugly stare of the locals and all... but that is beside the pt...
pt is, ladies, try NOT to wander in town during xmas or new yr countdown... or even chinese new yr... u are only falling prey to the many horny ppl out there who make use of the opportunity to molest u in the open... and i tink tt is damn dumb... coz even after u are molested, chances are, u wun even noe who did it...
of course, i am not like making it solely a all male countdown event at town... but for me, i just dun wanna take the risk...
but i dun condemn the celebration of course... i myself had fun... meaningless fun, of course, with the inclusion of meaningless spending on spray cans...
which i am regretting... of course.. coz i have like spend some much on yr end celebrations... by the hundreds i supposed... on food, transportation and all...
tt my target of getting my ipod will be delayed... by a long time... and tt means i have to reply on the discman for a very long time... bad bad..
and new yr is coming... i have to spend on new clothes...
tt means a real cash crisis... and tt means i might not have money to go for the australian outback if ever we are going...
tt sucks...
i hate to be cash strapped at this pt of time...
and one last time... alcohol is bad for health....
guohuilist turned back time on Friday, January 06, 2006.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 152
before i actually realise it, it's the 2nd day of the new yr... wow.. how great... all in the blinking of an eye... lol... i realised tt i haven blog for the past week... so i shall basically summarised my stuffs and all... haven been actually studying much for my study break and my paper is like less than 24hrs away... and here i am blogging with a holiday mood, feeling so lethargic and all...
well, sat was christmas... had some internatinal buffet and katong before heading town with the usual gang like zong rong, zheng qiang and jasper... with part-timer taikeat... after tt went to town to soak in the festive mood... snaked thru the crowd with those spray cans from cine to lido to meet zirui and co... had this crazy rumbling with them before heading to zq's hse for the nite... and after tt, we went foodless till 6 pm plus... crap...
studied for monday before going for campcraft training on tue... went out to the library to study before meeting jasper and zong rong on wed to buy bball and play bball at my hse area.. they stayed over at my hse for the nite for soccer matches, prata and chatting/ dota-ing for the nite... zq joined us too...
slpt the whole day on thurs before going out to meet some frens... had activity on friday and came home to slp again... new yrs eve was sat and we spend the nite at esther hse before heading to zq hse again... ya... as usual, i was the early one with esther, considering me fetching her out of convienence sake. had lots of fun at her hse, playing lots of card games and chinese idioms guessing games, counting down together... being crazy together... taking lots of pictures together...
i was also kinda tipsy after being crazy enuf to drink vodka neat... the 40% kind... with beer after tt...
den went over to zq hse for the nite... michelle, ziyan, jasper,zq and i were chatting over dai di and FHM over quite a lot of topics like marriage and all.... lame...
suddenly, it seems tt the compo topic we wrote in sec 2 were very much abt to come true, like the gathering after 25yrs to see if everyone changes... and 2006 is like the 5th yr tt we are actually gathering... though nt the whole class, it is amazing tt we managed to come so far as a class... though the number is getting lesser and lesser. but considering tt we were only classmates for a yr... this is a feat...
had a family bbq ytd at my cousin's place... having food with cold wind breeze by the pool was fun..
and here i am today now, blogging half-awake...
ahh... got to study for tml papers...tt sucks ...
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, January 02, 2006.