Saturday, November 26, 2005

LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 144

friday the day it is and i am sooo down with flu and runny nose... so i practically headed home after my lectures fora good rest... which unfortunately was not very good with lots of calls here and there... so here i am, like rudolf the reindeer sitting down in front of my com typing...

alrite... had this np gathering on thurs... one which i soo look forward too... a time whr i can finally meet up with some really good old frens of the past. ppl who have endured 4yrs of joy, hardship, learning, toil and perspiration together. ppl who created and shared good memories of 4 good cadet life...

though nt everyone turned up, i am so grateful and delighted at the meeting. It is just so nice to meet everyone. afterall, each and everyone is so special to me.

ppl like my dear old brother chee siong, my BOSS who costantly gave me lots of advices and guidance... a person who i can bare my true feelings to and gets back a full genuine friendship in return for all these yrs...the ET of the squad...

kai wei, a trustworthy chap with good bodybuild, slow spoken yet humorous and spontenous, an elite of the past and present.

huiqun, the only lady in the grp with the spirit tt matches tt of any guy. a girl with a strong personality and character. definitely my cup of tea in terms of character for wad i look for in any real admirable girl. the organiser of this meeting

walter, the crappiest person i have met so far in my life. and he had nt change ever since... though he suddenly shot up vertically. a fellow crap talker... and a future commando... though tt is really unbelievable...

kiat yong, chairperson of our batch... one guy who in so spontenous and on... the person who went thru the most events with me like the campcraft com and lifesaving course...

arthur, the SI with the least badges.. still so lame as before... with his thrifty talks and all...

hong kai, a fellow CI...

though few in numbers, the topic we shared are sooo under the sky... from NS to days of the past, to studies to practically anything...

however, had this talk with chee siong at nite tt still rings in my mind till now... abt the word mayB... abt the unpredicatibility in life... abt changes...

which i admit i could somehow feel a drop of tears dropping from my eye... esp when it comes from ur good old fren...

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
juz wanted 2 tell u guyz...

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
u c.. time pple.. places n everithing changes..

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
nth stays e same.. rmbr tt.. even i do change..

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
so rmbr e pple e gdness in em @ tt time..

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
cuz as time goes.. feelings wld bcome more hostile..

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
gd frenz may bcome juz aquantainces..

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
but rmbr..

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
dere was 1 period of time.. where u n tt fren of urs haf sth special..

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
n tt u shld b thankful.. n kip it close n gd as it is..

-=[ guohuiism ™ ]=- [ thank you everyone for the wonderful day today. Nice meeting you guys again ][ np squadmates ] says:

-=[ guohuiism ™ ]=- [ thank you everyone for the wonderful day today. Nice meeting you guys again ][ np squadmates ] says:
i very much agree so

-=[ guohuiism ™ ]=- [ thank you everyone for the wonderful day today. Nice meeting you guys again ][ np squadmates ] says:
esp with the very ppl who endured 4yrs of npcc cadet times with me

-=[ guohuiism ™ ]=- [ thank you everyone for the wonderful day today. Nice meeting you guys again ][ np squadmates ] says:
who gave me so much memories, joy, heartbreak

-=[ guohuiism ™ ]=- [ thank you everyone for the wonderful day today. Nice meeting you guys again ][ np squadmates ] says:
who i believe i will nt 4get for a long long time

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
though im disappointed n feel tt its a pity tt some v gd relationships wit certain pple has bcome increasingly hostile..

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
feelings bcomin more distant..

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
i stil hold dear in mi.. e gd times tt were once spent..

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
n i thank god 4 it..

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
even now.. dere r certain pple i noe.. dey wld b growin further awae frm mi realli soon

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
n i accept tt.. cuz it may juz b part n parcel of life..

-=[ guohuiism ™ ]=- [ thank you everyone for the wonderful day today. Nice meeting you guys again ][ np squadmates ] says:
thing come thing come

-=[ guohuiism ™ ]=- [ thank you everyone for the wonderful day today. Nice meeting you guys again ][ np squadmates ] says:
but we juz have to appreciate tt it comes

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:

-BOSS- mayB better luck nxt time says:
ive learnt 2b v appreciative of pple's decisions n life now le..

just some part of our conversation... who will really keep me in thoughts for a very long time to come...

and i hope chee will be a fren for me to keep for a long long time...

guohuilist turned back time on Saturday, November 26, 2005.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 143

it has been raining all day long today... maybe whenever i am feeling down and out, it happens this way... lol...

aniwae, for the first time this yr, i completely forgot abt the time slots of my timetable... i arrived happily for my 8am report writing class at 9am thinking that i am early only to realise tt the class actually starts at 8am! to tink i happily told the lecturer that i was early for the day... duhz... made a complete fool of myself... lol...

read the horoscope for the week today on duno wad magazine and i actually realise how true the horoscope description is... same goes for some quiz... lol.. actually if u are real bored in class, this becomes a real norm... reading magazines, doing quiz, sing song, eat.. lol...

ok... i guess this gonna be a really busy week with all the meeting ups with all my dear frens... like with my np batchmates... am soo looking forward to seeing brudder chee siong, khai wan, huiqun, charsiewboy arthur and all... the ppl who made my 4yrs of cadet life so interesting and memorable... den is the hopeful outing on sat with the 2hm ppl... and gosh... i really feel so broke even before the gatherings...esp when i splurge so much these few weeks buying clothes and my new dunk, filling in donation cards and all... i guess this will be a poor period for me... wahahaha...

the np days... 2nd runner-up for survivathon'02 ( team chung cheng high main NPCC )
kiat yong, aldrin, kaiwei, me, hong kai. picture taken from a photograph by my hp, transfered to explains the blur... original copy at chung cheng yishun.

and i soooo regret to cut my hair man... now it is damn short... till i cannot style anymore... how am i gonna look my best for the outings? ahhh... and i need new clothes....

this look no more...

crap... and reports are coming out again.... so are lab test... before i noe it, MST after the new yr... fast fast fast.... time crisis...

and campcraft com 06 is coming... i have to attend the briefing on sat... and before i know it, it's training time !!!

remembering the days... campcraft com'02 ( guys team chung cheng high main NPCC)
brent, cheenhan, jinquan, kiat yong, me, darren, terrance, weida and jerry. guan yong in middle row.

lol... posted 2 NP pictures in a row... pictures of the past tt captures really lots of wonderful memories... i guess i still miss NP days of the past...

and i hope with these onslaught of events coming up, my wound will be heal by time... and i really guess it's time to move on... shall i ?

guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, November 23, 2005.


Friday, November 18, 2005

LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 142

it has been almost a week since my cousin got married... and... well, i wish her happiness lar... wahhaa... ok...i noe... lame...

hmm... i dun exactly have any pics taken for the wedding though... coz got photographer... lol... but the 3 days gala affair is well... an eye feast as well as a whole new enjoyable learning exp for me lar... which will be beneficial when i get married... but first, let me find someone who can steal my heart, fall in love with me and walk down the aisle with me... and i guess that is a long long way...

and past this gateway with me..

den a dinner to announce to everyone our everlasting love...

but when will this day come by?

haha... we'll wait and see... for i always believe that every girl is born to be someone's princess... moreover singapore's situation where our the ladies outnumber the guys...

though wad has got this to do with finding my partner... we are a trade-free society... and we do open up to the world...

if else fails in finding a partner in SG, i can try one from china, malaysia, etc...

or even browse through cataloge...

oh mine, i'm spoiled for choice...


wadever it is, i am gonna concentrate on my studies, my social circles, my passions, my cca...

and love my new wife...

terminator low laser

guohuilist turned back time on Friday, November 18, 2005.


Monday, November 14, 2005

LiFe oF gUohU...chp 141

Too young to drink or pay taxes, but...
November 14, 2005

HE's too young to drink a toast to his victory.
And he'll have to clean up his bedroom to make space for a work desk.

Eighteen-year-old Michael Sessions became the youngest elected official in the US on Thursday when he was voted Mayor of Hillsdale, a town of 9,000 people in central Michigan, reported the Los Angeles Times newspaper.

The pre-university student plans to continue schooling - which in the US runs from 8am to 3pm - while in office and set aside time after 6pm for his homework.

But between 3pm and 6pm, he plans to take his civic duties seriously.

Mr Session's victory is even more remarkable given that he was too young to register when nominations for the position closed in August - he turned 18 only in September.

So, his supporters had to add his name to their ballot paper in pen if they wanted to vote for him.

But Mr Sessions had won over many voters by tirelessly knocking on doors every day after school and using the US$700 ($1,100) he earned from his holiday job selling candy at summer fun fairs to fund his campaign.

He beat the sitting mayor, local businessman Doug Ingles, 51, who had ridiculed him during the campaign, by two votes.

'It's amazing. It's cool. Obviously the people of Hillsdale took me seriously,' the teenager told The Times of London on Friday.

'I'm so excited, I think I'm going to be ill.

'A lot of older people really enjoyed talking to me. I looked them in the eye. Young people could relate to me.'


In the three weeks before the poll, Mr Session roped in classmates to help him organise public meetings and canvass neighbourhoods.

'Each day after school, he would pick an area and go door to door, telling people who he was and that he was running for mayor,' classmate Lauren Beck, 17, told the LA Times.

'He'd talk about why he should be mayor, and had a sample of the ballot so he could show people where they had to write in his name.'

At first, residents thought Mr Session's was campaigning as a joke, or to bolster his college application.

But soon, the mood shifted.

'A lot of people seemed impressed that he was working so hard,' classmate Brandon Thomas told the LA Times.

Ironically, when Mr Sessions ran for vice-president of his secondary school's student council last year, he lost.

Despite his determination not to let his grades slip in the run-up to his secondary school graduation in June, Mr Sessions skipped morning assembly on Thursday to conduct phone interviews with local radio stations.

He missed his afternoon classes because he was flown to New York to appear on the Late Show With David Letterman.

On the show, he read out Letterman's Top 10 Reasons Why It's Good To Be An 18-year-old Mayor.

They included: 'If my parents try to tell me what to do, I'll raise their taxes' and 'School bullies now have to deal with the feds (federal police).'


Both his school and his parents are being swamped by phone calls from journalists around the world wanting to interview him, and from Hollywood producers keep to develop his story into a film.

But the world's media can't call him directly - he doesn't have a handphone.

Nor is he up to talking too much - his mother kept him home from school on Friday because he was sick.

'He's been coughing and getting over bronchitis,' said his mother, Mrs Lorri Sessions, 42. 'It's been overwhelming.'

Mrs Sessions said their son long had been interested in politics.

'He would watch the town meetings on TV every week,' she said.

''He'd try to get us (his family, including medical technician father Mr Scott Sessions, and his 13-year-old sister) to join him. He found the whole process fascinating.'

Mrs Sessions said her son began thinking of running for office when several local manufacturing plants closed down while he was in primary school, plunging the area into recession.

His ideas for turning the local economy around impressed local residents.

'Here's this kid talking about how there are grants to help towns like ours attract biotech companies,' said shop owner John Spiteri, 49.

'People here are hungry for anyone who can pump life back into this town.'

The post is mayor a largely ceremonial four-year position with a monthly stipend of US$250. City Manager Tim Vagle handles the town's day-to-day administration, while the mayor and the other eight council members make policy decisions and approve the budget.

Mr Sessions will be required to attend two council meetings a month.

Hillsdale High Principal Peter Beck said with a grin:

'I told him that if he wins, he'll still need to finish his homework - I'd hate to have to suspend a city official.'

source from The Electric Newspaper,4136,97352,00.html?

woohoo... read this from the NEWPAPER today and discovered these... this is so damn interesting...

Rooney scored his first goal when he was 18, this Mr Michael Sessions was voted a mayor when he is 18, some 18yrs old in Sri Lanka are holding guns and fighting with the Tamil Tigers, michelle Wie is playing professional golf at 16.... and me, like other 18yrs old kids in SG, are still under scutiny by either polytechnic, ITE or JC education.... hmm... i guess tt's life...

aniwae, am so damn tired now... shall blog abt my cousin's wedding tml....

guohuilist turned back time on Monday, November 14, 2005.


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 140

ok, basically i got nth better to do with the ample time on my hand tt i decided to add in my archives finally... and it all dates back to the yr august 03! tt means i have been blogging for 2yrs and going man...

and as i read on, i realise tt my content of my post seems to get mature as the times goes by... from things i now seems childish.. to well, recent blogging of unhappy stuff... well, it goes to show how much i have changed over the yrs... more matured ? maybe? but definitely, all the posts somehow brings back memories... like the starting post when i was wavering with the thought of being a CI... times when i still spell "cum" instead of "come"... ( when i duno wad cum means, i hope donglin now do ).. times when i thought i was doing mature things tt i see as childish now...
time really flies... and it does really goes a long way back... when it just seems so ytd...

and tt is when i suddenly missed my squadmates very much... my batch of squadmates in chung cheng... self-proclaimed elite crazy bunch who stayed in sch to catch kittens in the logistic room... and of course, brothers there like my dear old brudder chee siong, khai wan, hong wei, kiat yong and all... and the ONLY female power, huiqun...

the days of the recruitment drive when we created history in our 4yrs by constructing a watch tower... though it differs a lot from khaiwan and my sketch...

but it was truely memorable... the days of the tower building when we spend more than 12hrs for 3/4 days to build this tower...

and the by the lake pic we had... i know i had this posted in my friendster and previous entries.. i agreed that these few are one of the few pics i will truely appreciate in time to come... esp in my yrs in npcc... ok, i am getting nostalgic..

so i shall be stopping on this... i tink it is coz of the recruitment drive last week tt suddenly brings me back to this feeling... tt feeling of old... the not-so-mature matured NCO times... the times when u do something with a squad...

but i must and will come back to the present...

aniwae, gtg for some quality slp time...

and it's a beautiful day today... suddenly, the bus ride from tampines interchange to my hse is not so dull and bad after all... lol... i'm an honoured person today...

guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, November 09, 2005.


Sunday, November 06, 2005

LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 139

i realised that i have not been blogging for a long time... well, basically, i am just busy with life... busy doing nth... or is it i cannot seems to pen/type down my thoughts in words... coz so much happened to me...

i have started on intensive gaming, returning to the MMORPG world again. Preparing myself for total ownage when seal online rolls out. meanwhile, i am just tt pretty gorgeous ridiculously proportionated-body archer in martial heroes.

and i realise that there are lots of things i cannot mention in this blog... duno why suddenly i feel so constraint.. but i guess this is life. and life ain't a bed of rose.

ok, i shall now switched to tiger beer instead of others... coz jessica alba is just sooo alluring in the new commercial, esp her innocent look... totally smittened by her man... fanastic 4, into the blues, and now tiger beer spokesperson... let's await more of her to come... oops, i forgot ther R21 sin city...

lol... sch terms's started... and i found myself more hardworking than before. at least for now... i DID my tutorial today ok? for one.... be impressed ppl. it usually takes me a long time to be so motivated to do them...

alrite, i guess that is all for me to say... i wun wanna mention abt the bunch of 15yrs old kids tt errr behaves way below their age... or is it the generation gap... or is everyone just crazy? or rather, jovial? lol

meanwhile, let's shine on with ryan cabrera and here by me 3 doors down...coz i'll be ok...

here by me

3 doors down

i hope you’re doing fine out without me
‘Cause I’m not doing so good without you
The things I thought you’d never know about me
Were the things I guess you always understood

So how could I have been so blind for all these years?
Guess I only see the truth through all this fear,
And living without you…

And everything I had in this world
And all that I’ll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.

I can’t take another day without you
‘Cause baby, I could never make it on my own
I’ve been waiting so long, just to hold you
And be back in your arms where I belong

Sorry I can’t always find the words to say
But everything I’ve ever know gets swept away

Shine on

ryan cebrera

Given every moment I had
Still I can never seem to keep up with you
You're done with one mile and onto another one thousand
Still I can never seem to keep up with you

I know you'll be better off without me when I'm gone
You know you're, your beautiful
You're beautiful

Shine on
You were made to
Shine on
And you know I love you
And even if we can or cant be friends
I'll be with you until the very end
So shine on, you want me to

It's keeping me awake every night
But I can never seem to give up on you
I send up a prayer and I'm onto another one thousand
I can never seem to give up on you

I know you'll be better off without me when I'm gone
You know you're, your beautiful
You're beautiful

Shine on
You were made to
Shine on
And you know I love you
And even if we can or cant be friends
I'll be with you until the very end
So shine on, yeah

Nobody's wrong, nobody's right
Keep moving on..
Shine on, yeah
You want me to shine on

Shine on, you were made to
Shine on, and you know I love you
And even if we can or cant be friends
Were gonna be brighter than we've ever been
so shine on

You're gonna be just fine
Oh, you're gonna be alright love,
You're gonna be just fine,
Oh you're gonna be alright love

I'll be ok


When everything is going wrong
and things are just a little strange
Cos' for so long now
you've forgotten how to smile.
And overhead the skies are clear
but it still seems to rain on you,
and your only friend all have
better things to do.

When your down and lost
and you need a helping hand
when your down and lost
along the way
oh, just tell yourself
I, I'll be OK

Now things are only getting worse
and you need someone to take the blame
when your lovers gone
there's no-one to share the day
Your sleeping with the TV on
and your lying in an empty bed
all the alcohol in the world
could never help me to forget

When your down and lost
and you need a helping hand
when your down and lost
along the way,
just try a little harder
try your best to make it
through the day,
oh just tell yourself
I, I'll be OK

You're not alone (you're not alone)
You're not alone (you're not alone)
You're not alone

Just tell yourself
I, I'll be OK
oh, just tell yourself
I, I'll be OK
Won't you tell yourself

When your down and lost
and you need a helping hand
when your down and lost
along the way,
try a little harder
try your best to make it
through the day

Oh, just tell yourself
I, I'll be OK
I, I'll be OK
I, I'll be OK

guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, November 06, 2005.
