Wednesday, August 31, 2005
LiFe oF gUohU...cHp 130
phew... i finally found the time to blog again... errr... but i'm nt exactly very free at the moment... juz taking a break from my revision for tml's data communication quiz and astronomy test... these two weeks are sure taking a toll on me man... with all the revisions, projects and all...
for eg, the application programming project.... i faced my com from 11pm to 4am in the morning to do up only a small portion of the work... only to pia to sch for a 8am lesson.... how cool is tt... so now... i do actually appreciate the software design of the vending machine ya... coz i din realise tt it is so brain taxing till i faced the project...
and swee wee and i had decided to monopolise singapore newspaper industry by creating a:
newspaper vending machine...
he'll do with the hardware part with logic design application and i go on with the software part with C++
den no need to work and study le... wahahaha....
i take control of east and he take west...
singapore is ours to make...
okie... back to the insufficient time part... it is sooo bad till

eating roast duck noodle during lectures?
yeah rite on.... actually is greedy me getting too extreme by eating roast duck noodle in classs... lol...
shall nt elaborate much on it....
and guess wad, i realise tt being a CI is no easy job... outside image wise... once again... i have been approached by area 11 cadets telling me whether i remember them.... and tt i have taken them before for ATC and stuffs like tt...
which i hardly do remember... lol... unless for a few who left me a good impression...
and today... weehh... this bunch of telok kurau sec kids... with awe when they see me on the ball court.... and luckily i wasn't abusive with my languages...
except how i started the racisim issue with garnesh... tt indian guy who play bball with us... lol... but he can take it... used it it le... whaaha... but somehow the st hildas girl are nt too happy abt it....oopss...
ok... i shall be very careful with my image and language from now on... in tampines... there are lots of TKGS's girls ard who recognised me as their instructor... so does Telok Kurau... and maybe a few chung chengians.... in parkway... shall not be too noob with dota coz there are many cadets who recognised me... wahahah.... even town area... wahhahah....
i got lots of things to mention abt ... but time doesn't allow me to... maybe next entry.....
so long...
guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, August 31, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 127
it's 2.39am in the morning... i want to slp but i juz can't slp... so i guess i will really want to make a mark here u seee... but i duno wad to blog abt... life is juz another hectic routine to me... yet i duno wad am i busy abt...
now i can't think properly as well... i used to tink a lot... maybe on some crap stuff and all... and now i tried nt to tink too much... i can't seem to tink properly... crap...
duno wad's with me... am turning sooo anti social lately... i dun wanna talk.. i dun wanna listen... i just want to be alone... i just want to feel alone... and enjoy the senerity ard me... but too bad... i have got a loud and naggy mum... but hey... i haven been throwing stuffs at her lately k... now i dun even argue with her anymore... or ppl... let them be let them be... juz gimme some peace...
i tink i desperately need a break now... alone... since no one needs me, i shall need no one too... let me enjoy peace...
coz i dun like wad i am doing now..
i dun want to jog like before...
i dun wanna play bball like before... ever since my sprain ankle..
i dun wanna game... it is the same old routine...
i want to study but i can't put my mind to it...
i dun wanna chat on msn...
i juz want some peace...
for me to get back from this horrible feeling...
as for her... maybe i shld just get on with life...
as for them... maybe i shld just get on with life...
as for me... maybe i shld just get on with life...
as if i can...
now the worst thing is i dun even feel passtionate for the things i am doing... human factor is one cause... mood is another...
same goes for my cca.... i shall not write anything on it... it's a sensitive issue...
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, August 28, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 126
i just realised tt i haven been blogging lately... 1 week to be exact... have been real caught up with school work and gaming lately... well.. if tt is even the excuse for me nt to blog... well. apparently.. i found tt i've nth to blog abt... or nt knowing what to blog abt... have been dragging myself to sch with a sprained ankle and yes! projects, projects and more brain cell draining projects...
to top all of tt up, my brain is dysfucntioning... just like it has been for the past few months... but it will soon be over in a few weeks time... 2nd october that is...

i guess we are juz too drained from our life tt it will turned out like this during the lecture
watched the national day rally just now by our PM lee... his 2nd in his term as our PM.... ok... though i dun look the type to watch the national day rally, but i do am really interested k... when my whole family is doing something else... dad is watching the grand prix... my brothers are by the com etc.... and there i am watching the national day rally...
ok... for one thing, i'm glad there isn't any crazy idea like the 5 days week like we do for last year.... PM lee is basically there to share a very wonderful vision for all of us... not much candy pie to share ard... unless u consider the post secondary fund or something...
basically i gotta agreee that work fare is something we shld all aim for... nt welfare....
and i'm even more positive on my embarkment on a polytechnic education with what PM lee has to said...
quoted from CNA:
SINGAPORE : Polytechnics and Institutes of Technical Education will be upgraded - as the Government aims to put every Singaporean through post-Secondary training.
It will also allow the unused Child Development Accounts (Baby Bonus) to be converted to post-Secondary Education Accounts, to pay for post-Secondary education like ITE, polytechnics, universities in Singapore.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced this during his National Day Rally speech on Sunday.
To remake the economy, Singaporeans must be equipped with the right skills and attitudes.
And education will be key to this, according to Mr Lee.
He said Singapore must offer first-class education to all, and not just an elite few.
Mr Lee said: "Education system to provide many avenues to suit different students. Many different models of success. Many paths to success. Many opportunities to cross over, many second chances to do well. Aim for a mountain range, not a pyramid."
The aim in the past year has been on getting schools to implement the "Teach Less, Learn More" concept - to give the young more room to discover their passion and interests.
This year, the focus shifts to post-secondary education, especially the polytechnics and Institutes of Technical Education.
Mr Lee said polytechnics, which take in about 40 per cent of each cohort, are already world-class institutions greatly admired internationally.
Most are creating their own industry niches.
Temasek Polytechnic, for example, is offering courses in Hospitality and Tourism Management in preparation for the Integrated Resorts.
Ngee Ann Polytechnic is specialising in Early Childhood Education, Mass Communication, and Film, Sound and Video courses.
To improve the polytechnics further, Mr Lee said they should not be turned into universities.
Rather, he said they should make it easier for some students to get a degree, so as to produce graduates who are different from those from the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and the Singapore Management University.
Mr Lee suggested the polytechnics link up with specialised foreign universities to run degree programmes in niche areas such as Interactive Media, Resort Management, Culinary Arts, Childcare and Nursing.
As for the Institutes of Technical Education, Mr Lee believes it is time to take their unique brand of education to the next level - through the "One System, Three Colleges" concept - where there are comprehensive facilities and activities, as well as more academic choices, just like the polytechnics.
Mr Lee said: "To help each family invest in the best education their children can get, the Government will allow unused Child Development Accounts to be converted to Post-Secondary Education Accounts.
He said this could be used to pay for post-Secondary education at ITEs, polytechnics and universities in Singapore.
Parents can also continue to contribute to this 'extended' Baby Bonus scheme, and enjoy Government co-funding up till the child is 18 years old. - CNA/de
alrite... i'm sorry if u are nt interested but i guess this spells a better future for me... at least for now... but i'm nt too sure abt the uni route though... we'll see we'll see....
alrite... i think this is it for now... chelsea and arsenal's match is getting on....
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, August 21, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 125
omg... i just sucks k... i duno wad's with me lately... these past few weeks have been a stupor for me... i'm so dazed abt everything and anything...
and the worst thing is i see no change in myself when the panic button is pressed...seems to take everything in my stride in which i am nt supposed to be...
esp for my studies... at this rate i am going, i dun even think i am going to pass stage 2A of my course...let alone talks of going to the uni... i can't believe tt i am sooo brain dead...
but luckily there is this bunch of whackos in class tt helps me to pace on in my studies.... and teh projects of the semester are finally bombing out... hope with their help as well as my meagre effort... it will help salvage my grades for the better... but i dun really pin much hope on this term's GPA... i do actually expect a plunge...
and for damnit sake... i sprained my ankle again... same spot... only more pain to endure... and the best thing is i fell while walking! duno wad's with me but i keep on tripping things as i walk and hurray, my ankle is sprained again and i'm out of the ball court for 2weeks or so...
lest u can count the oh-so-boliao games with the little kids, the underdog team and well... the ever-screeching st hildas girls... errmmm... netballers to be precised.... but i LOST... lol...
actually to be honest... the more ball i play these two weeks, the more i feel like a noob... a total beginner... i dun even know how to play anymore... i duno how shoot anymore...let alone reading the game...
for my games... i dun seems to be doing wad i shld anymore....
i'm just not performing the way tt i shld be in every aspects anymore...
let's hope i dun go crash my career in npcc... at least i'm nt doing something destructive...
and the problem is i shld be worried... i shld be upset and all down...
but i'm still smiling the way i was... treating and behaving as if nth has happen...
this is bad... real bad...
i am just like devolving...degenerating....and my brain is dysfunctioning...
help... someone pls do help.... chat me up... or maybe i need a psychiatrist...
loss for words...
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, August 15, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 124
alrite... today is 12th August 2005... n tt means tt Ms Sophia Maureen Yip is offically 18...
yes. i do actually mean tt noisy friend of mine... actually come to think of it... she is kinda closely knitted to my life in chung cheng thru out my 4yrs stints in it...
who can forget the rebellious girl who joined NPCC when she was in sec 1... yes! sophia WAS in npcc in sec 1 k... but soon after sec 2, she went MIA le...
who can forget the havoc gal in 2 harmony who almost drove Mr Davamoni AKA black bird to us to his grave? and Chung Mei Li?
who can forget the turned-for-the-slightly-better sophia in sec 3 and 4 loyalty?
actually most of them can... but for me... she is one unforgettable personnel... at least for these recent yrs...
how can i forget my sec 4 monitress who used to be a sch havoc and goes ard breaking sch rules like nobody's business...
how can i forget the LOUD hailer who screamed at me, whacked me, Wilyson, see khai... YES! wilson tan ah beng every other day?
how can i forget the greedy sophia who volunteers to "share" my breakfast every morning?
how can i forget the sophia who used to compete maths with wilson and me and see khai during tt marcus kuek's maths period?
how can i forget the girl who ogle at male eye candies esp after bowling com with natalia?
how can i forget the bickering couple sophia and wilson who are bound to spring to actions eveyday, making it so entertaining for me and erm... 3,4 loyalty?
how can i forget the sophia who used to spell trouble and show her displeasure to the teachers in sec 2?
how can i forget the sophia who occasionally stands up for me against teachers like marcus kuek who occasionally pick on me for classroom cleanliness ( i was the cleanliness head k.. and loyalty is errr real filthy in 3 loyalty)?
how can i forget the image conscious sophia who tries to act demure upon wearing a spectacles; only to last for a few days?
how can i forget the sweet-toothed sophia who pester me for candies?
how can i forget the sporty sophia who often wants a piece of meat with the guys during PE lessons?
how can i forget the self proclaim volleyball pro sophia who can play volleyball?
how can i forget the look conscious sophia who often ask whether she looks good?
how can i forget the sophia tt is so seemly like a siao cha bor running ard?
how can i forget the BHB girl to claims to be good at everything?
how can i forget the motivational girl who used to say tt she will get 100 for every paper she take but ermmm... ?
how can i forget the un-demure sophia who goes ard burping?
how can i forget the girl whose birthday is on 12 august who goes ard reminding others of her bday even there are more than 350 days away from the next one?
how can i forget the girl who looks like a girl, act like a guy, behaves like a guy and tries to be a girl?
how can i forget such a colorful character who crossed my path?
well, for now i can't?
but i do hope this piece of colorful chp i have in chung cheng will be in my mind for yrs to come...
and i wanna delicate this entry to ma presumed da jie...

unauthorised from
may you live the life u desired soon and i wish you many happy days ahead...
the future fashion designer/ psychologist...
and i really hope to cya again some day...
congrats on having more legal rights to your name...
guohuilist turned back time on Friday, August 12, 2005.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 123
ok... 10th august is the date today... and i wanna congrat Singaporeans for achieving so far as a nation for 40yrs and a day...
WELL DONE SINGAPORE! the future is our to make...
well, u all noe wad, i never believed in wishing singapore happy bday. coz singapore is by no means a thing. It is the people that created singapore. when u celebrate anniversaries, you are not like doing it for a person. it is juz DIFFERENT. and i am nt going to say happy bday to singapore. coz the national day signifies a different light to it. let's juz say that it is a judgement day to judge how far or how well we have perform. and this yr, by reaching the 40th mark with such an achievement, i am very proud of singaporean....
errr... except for the bad sheeps... those cannot be bothered hooligans... yes... it is true tt i never like them... even TT durai fared better than these horrible bunch of ppl wasting the nation's resources by damaging public properties, vandalising, stealing and much more... only to be put behind bars and YES, we taxpayers den have to pay for their lodging behind bars... ridiculous...
alrite.. enuf of the singapore thing.... i feel like a total nerd and left out on tue itself. waiting for my frens to confirm a time to go out to soak in the nation's vibe... but ended up being at home... and stood up my other frens who were probably enjoying their asses off at marina south... all because i wan to cherish time with them before they serve NS and well, we might not see each other often anymore for more than 2yrs... coz after they POP, i'll most probably still be in NS...
watched the exceptional fast parade on TV.... it wasn't as spectucular as yrs before... and the military display is not really awesome to me...
nah, i'm nt being critical.... i m nt even pointing out tt the parade commander did not shave his moustache.. so much for personal grooming...
well, times really flies... come to think of it, last yr this time, i was still at national camp serving as a lifeguard and now, 1 yr have passed....
lost my cool on monday... something nasty happened... and i juz ended up losing my cool... i wasn't usually like tt.... but i juz exploded... i usually can take similiar situation... but i can't on fri... i duno y and i have no wish to talk abt it again...
maybe it was coz i haven eaten since 11am for tt day... a hungry man is an angry man...
attended SP NPCC agm today tt left with with much awes... never have i expected CIs to be like tt...
1) swaying speech posture
2) bullshit speeches
3) saying "i duno abt my jobscope"
4) telling the floor " i dunno la"
5) telling the floor " i'll do my job when i am nt lazy"
6) poor organsiation of the AGM
7) sharing personal jokes with frens on the floor when delivering speeches
8) inproper attire
9) the list goes on...
i am so surprised at their bearing as a CI and as an EXCO member of SP npcc... tough it is true tt i never pay any attention for their organisation but can they please not disgrace in the name of the corps...or even in the name of CI?
though soft spoken is not a factor... but can they show some professionalism?
i always tot tt my juniors can do a better job...
tt explains why i never bothered to be active in SP NPCC... lest to say running for EXCO...
and i am finally added in the yahoo grp in YEAR 2! how efficient is tt?
plus i dun even see much audience for tt AGM...
i went coz jj and sameer were going... MAY ANNE! u lazy.... sparky... lol...
alrite, shall nt talk abt them too much...
i shall end my entry today but sharing how i almost died of AIR poisoning on train today... from tampines to pasir ris to dover...
there was a nasty burning smell going on and no SMRT staff comes to check abt it... wad if there is anthrax or some poisonous smoke? we might all die before knowing it...
seriously, i really do think that much is to be done with the SMRT security measures... beside placing uncles and each station to check for bombs and all... they often check for the wrong person... like how my poly sch mates being check coz he was carrying a toolbox containing soldering equipment, tin rolls, pliers.. for goodness, HE IS NOT GOING TO MAKE A BOMB IN THE TRAIN!
but i guess tt is in the name of national security...
so i shall nt be sp critical abt it... yet
until thenm, let's hope our 45th anniversary will be OURS to make!
guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, August 10, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 122
oh great, i am blogging as often as zhen qiang nowadays... n i seems to be late for everything nowadays... damn tt guy...i seems to be picking up his bad habits nowadays.... lest for the look compartment... ggrrrhh.. haha
alrite.. i am actually back to blogging after a tedious week of intensive mugging for my MST papers... which unfortunately i dun tink i am going to do very well for... in fact for 2 weeks i have been studiously hitting the books...
but i realise tt i have been learning nuts from slping in classes and going thru crap tutorials... i ought to buck up for my term 2 juz in case i FAIL my modules... which is gonna be very disastrous... so as i have always preached and said, i shall concentrate and focus on my studies over other matters... i am serious abt it k... though how long i can last is indeed another issue...
finally had a real break on friday when i went out with my bunch of classmates to town... but it was such a pity tt i din get myself a shirt... gggrhhh... but i got myself a slipper instead.
had a day of slp on sat to replenish and recharge on sat... practically from 3am to 2.30pm. lunch. 3.30pm to 6pm... den went to shoot a few hoops and crap with my bball kakis... den went online and rot till 4am... den lie on the bed and yeap, appreciate the silence of the nite and actually went to slp at ard 6am plus if i m nt mistaken...
slpt till 1pm plus today... checked my inbox and lunched till 2 plus before slping again till 4pm den went off to meet zr,zq jasper and ttk for the day... had usual dosage of laughter and joys....
alrite... i tink tt is all abt i have to update for myself... realise tt i want to blog on a lot things but privacy is a real big question..... plus i have to get up later at 6.30am for sch... shld be getting my Data Com System papers back...
and i come to realise tt
Life is not a race. It is a journey, don;t u all agree so....
it is not so much of who reaches there first... but is abt how you arrived at ur final destination and the things u do in btwn... and the company which you have for your destination... tt is all tt matters to me...
unfortunately, the society tt we all are in is juz a competitive race...
but i have take things in my stride... i've been part of the cream of the crop... i've been part of the disaster nitemare students a sch can have... i've come to realise tt i've been thru a lot... esp in chung cheng...
and speaking of bad influence... which my parents are always concernt abt... abt me having bad influence in sch... in which i tink i'm the worst influence in my class...
ok, maybe nt to worst... but i'm definitely in throne for tt notorious name... in fact, i am one of the top 5 non mugger in class... wahhaah....
which speaking of tt, i realise tt y have i even bothered to come on to this pt at all...
well... i duno... coz my mind is in a stupor now...
i realise tt i need a break... a really well deserved break to recharge for a moment... maybe a day or two...
which is totally ironic coz i WAS complaining abt how boring my long vacation.....
ya rite...interesting...
oh no... it's 1.12am now and i m supposed to be waking up at 6.30am later... so tt means i shall be going...
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, August 08, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 121
hmmm... i tink i gonna fail my circuit analysis paper man... for the first time in my life, i felt so relaxed doing a paper... nth much to tink abt... coz i simply stared at the questions and i din exactly noe who to do... gosh...
the worst thing is is stared at the Kirchoff current rule question for 30secs before i realised what i shld do for the question after a min... how bad can i get...wahahaha....
alrite, shall not mentioned abt it...
visited the sinseh juz now and i can offically remove my bandage tml nite... 6hrs after i have my last dosage of horribily bitter chinese medicine...
and do you guys realise one thing? relax is a word often misused and a word overused...
in the first place, when one is heated up, the last thing he can do is to RELAX and cool it! How can one relax and cool it when he is raging within?
well at least tt is not very logically to me...
take my visit to the sinseh for example... he keep on asking me to relax my muscles which i apparently cannot do so because of the damn it pain u see...
and when ppl try to calm me down in my moment of anger....
and i will really BITE tt person off if anyone tells me to next time... wahhaha...
grrh... y am i here when i shld be studying dear MR LAPLACE's theorem... grrhhh
so cya...
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, August 01, 2005.