LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 120
having nth better to do on a boring sunday, i decided to blog this entry which i have been urging myself to but finding myself having either the horrible mental block or nt having the time...
yeah rite, i couldn't possibly loiter ard with my sprained ankle other than surfing online...
plus i decided not to hit the books till late nite today...otherwise i'll seriously go crazy... and i realised tt electronic engineers are really no life ppl who go ard observing things and then come up with laws and rules named after themselves... and what they have come up with, the future generation will have to study and ggrrhhh kill their brain cells...
tt means i will have to observe more and come up with guohui's law / guohui's theoram and stress my descendants.... whaahah....
otherwise, i will curling things/wires up and hopefully discover a new kind of inductor or transformer... and i shall name it guohui's curl...
alrite... tt is real lame... my studies have really gotten me cock up and i m sprouting rubbish.... let's hope i dun get mental block tml and write up rubbish in my Circuit Analysis paper... wahahah...
hmm... i still hate mr laplace for coming up with some laplace's mathematical formula... and if tt wasn' enuf in maths, it was MEANT to be used in Circuit Analysis in which is supposed to help us solve equations of RLC circuit in a different angle as according to Mr. Auyong... damn tt guy...
grrh.... alrite... tt was not the main pt of the day....
have read this article on the NEWPAPER with regards to 2 19yrs old teenage girls, one undergrad and one chao ah lian... or rather the gangster sterotype who roam the HDB flats, getting into catfights and all... and hence the compare and contrast between the two...
having read tt, it reoccured to me abt the speech MM Lee said abt the class equality btwn races and well, singaporeans...
which i totally have some says abt it... afterall, singapore is not really one people, one nation, one singapore... despite the racial harmony promotion and by far the peaceful state that we are in, the class system stigma will always be there...
the poly, ITE and JC system is definitely posing a really big stigma in this society... ok, from my personal pt of view and experience...
ppl have this misconception tt poly ppls are those who cannot make it to the JC, yet, nt tt bad enuf to enter ITE... the kind of average ppl ard...
and are often given the kind of shabbish lookin treatment..... which i have to say is not really tt true... i have encountered cases which some Yishun or Pioneer JC ppl talking bad or even insulting the likes of poly students.... in which i tink is rather... childish. of course i m nt as bad to curse them to flung their As and enter poly after wasting 2yrs in JC... or even consider going to the ITE east which i heard offers world class facilities...
nope, i m nt insulting the likes of the ITE... i have got frens who make it big in the ITE and who knows, they might be the future CEOs of Temasek Holdings... or even NKF chairperson....
nt the one who have 25k per mth peanuts chairman who takes first class flights...
alrite, back to the JC ppl's insult... i really think tt they are real childish... i would have blurred it out tt if they were so brilliant, why end up in some Yishun or Pioneer JC and nt the better ones like VJC or TJC? do you tink tt poly students are not JC eligible are some dumb asses to you guys? grrrh.. .but i m civilised and will not pick a verbal or maybe physical fight with ppl alike... the fact is that more and more ppl are entering poly instead of JC for a more interpersonal reasons or another.... for me, i realise tt i want to learn something tt is more relevant to me in life than pursuing studies of facts and more facts... nt discriminating the JC ppl here btw...
(blogs dun have as much privacy as one would like to have and hence i really have to make it real clear at pts of time)
ppl think tt poly life is real slack as compared to JC life and i have really beg to differ... ur priority is to score well in ur PROMOs to get promoted and As to get in to uni... though nt performing in test will entitle u a visit to the principal or something... and u have a dozen tons of notes to polish off...
but what abt poly life? u have to stay consisten for 3yrs to maintain a good GPA to get into a uni... or rather ur course in uni... which one is of more difficulty? i will rather view it as a balanced route.. though poly student takes a longer time and tt is to our disadvantage... besides, u cannot really compare the studies of poly and JC as WE are afterall pursuing diff results...
but no matter u are in the ITE, JC or poly, we are all struggling to study, get into a professsion, work in the society... as quoted partially by zong rong... so what's with the comparing and complaining ? i see no point..
alrite, maybe i m too sensitive... or i really got nth better to do...
but wad i cannot comprehen is tt there are ppl who spend their time playin it cool by smoking their time away, creating havoc for others and act as though they are the kings of the world... these CMI pai kai wannabes... these are wad i called kids though.... i m nt referring to anyone in particular BUT particularly to those KIDS who spend tt life this way...
yar rite.. go on this way and i forsee more future convicts which in turn we taxpayers have to spend more money to feed u behind bars...
in which is real unfair to us... coz we citizens are first being bullied by these ppl, den have to suffer more by paying to keep these ppl in jail so tt they cannot harrass us... so who's at the losing end?
nope, i nt saying tt we shld all turn bad guy for the advantages and have ourselves all locked up away...
i m trying to say tt it does pay a good deed to be thoughtful for others...
hmm after so much babbling, i realise tt this entry has got no main pt...
so i'm off topic... so dun bother grading me or critisize me.... la la la
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, July 31, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 119
hmm... haven been blogging for a very long time... if u consider a week long... have been constantly mugging for my upcoming mid semester test and dota-ing on Bnet...
the worst thing is i'm having such a mental block tt nth much seems to get inside the thick skull of mine and my peanut brain with holes aren't absorbing facts which i yearn for... still i continued to mug... with emptiness in my brain... grrh...
and i damn it sprained my ankle today.. had a damn it bad landing while playing bball... grrh...i m literally lame now...
hmm... i tink i shall blog again later... i suddenly remember having things to do.... grrrhh...
guohuilist turned back time on Friday, July 29, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 118
oh damn... i dun even noe how to blog this entry. i am just soo brain dead these few days...
u noe? as in really brain dead? or rather the brain nt functioning at all. i am literally not thinking about anything for the past few days. even on the train. i was juz listening to my mp3 player and just stared blindly into empty spaces. same goes for my lectures... the worst thing is i cannot even process properly on normal speeches or even a simple sentence. damn...
and i damn it screwed up my lab tests... i remembered studying very hard for it, only to have a blank mind the very next day and abruptly do some blank staring at the questions and equipment... damn... this is bad... real bad...
after the bombing of the lab tests, my Mid Semester Tests are coming in 2 weeks time...
and the worse thing is that i m just not getting into my studying mood. i just dun seems to get anything up my head. this is bad. i do not want to repeat module 2A man... imagine the horror of another half yr of application programming....
but i m just so lacklustre and... braindead... i just simply cannot think for nuts...
for the past few mins, i m practically staring at my screen before having the blogger urge...
gosh... this is bad. real bad... i need someone to wake me up... really need to wake up my ideas... wake up from this slumber...
any voluntarily motivator to motivate the motivation-less me? someone lyk... wahahah better dun mention it before i get whacked again...
alrite... shall abruptly end this mess of words... and get back to my last lab test revision for tml....
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, July 21, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 117
i just discovered a horrific truth today that is gonna change my mindset drastically.
i m serious...
Never ever sit on the seat nearest to the glass panel on the MRT if i can help it.
normally, i will used to make it a point to get to the corner seat if possible. because:
1) i need not be squashed by 2 commuters (esp the fat aunties and uncles...)
2) there will not be an invasion of privacy and space ( from the overweights)
3) will not accidentally knock onto ppl
4) can lean on the glass panel
however, i was very disturbed when i saw this particular scene:
the glass panel is unwiped and is damn oily and sticky!
brrrrh... wonder which oily face do this? or someone with overdoes of wax/gel/moouse rest their entire head sticking onto the panel to get this result.
imagine my disgust and goosebump...
imagine the disgusting mess i am going to get when i accidentally touch the glass panel...
so from tml onwards, i shall not attempt to sit on that seat again... totally gross...
alrite... today is a pretty fine day for me...
except tt i dun get it when there was a sudden downpour today. i dun really appreciate it when it rain and temperature dropped and i am in my boardshorts and tees... it is totally coold man... brrh...
and i dun get it that everytime i wear shorts to sch this sem, it will ALWAYS rain...damn... jinxed?
saw royce today on the train... he was on his way home from a checkup for NS... and he is PES A k... fit kid...
and ya, nth much today... except it is freezing and to maintain body fats, i had 3lunches today... dots...
and i din do something tt i promised myself to... grrhh...
other than tt... nth much...
and i'll be off to study for my maths quiz tml, my application programming lab test on wed( which i foresee a nt so good grade), a data com system lab test on thurs, a CA test on fri.... damn... i'm soo flooded with test this week... hope i dun screw them up.... duh.... arrhhhh stresss....
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, July 18, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 116
hmm... ok, i'm back here again... i seems to be blogging pretty often recently... maybe it is just the urge to be here... to a platform whr i can voice out...
the NKF incident is now the hottest topic covered... tutors, lecturers, classmate, sch mates, friends, parents, news... everyone is talking about the many uncovered horrible truths on NKF... with the focus on TT Durai, his SGD 25 000 salary, 1st class flights, splurges on his personal washroom, the funds of the NKF and all... and oh my, they totally proved shocking...
who will have ever tot that NKF claimed to have only 3yrs of funds for the patients when they have 30yrs to spare? and the false number of patients under their wings...
hmm... interesting...
and tt set many people pulling out from donations for the NKF. and the call for chairman durai to step down...
coz like them, me too feel so unjustifiable for the chairman of a charitable organistion to draw such a ridiculous amount of money. especially when the money is from the public who tinks that their hard earned money will go on to help the needy.
but i will NOT stop the donations for one. Indeed there are patients who need these money. There are life at stake... should we stop our donations just because of some people mishandling the money? in my stand, no. these can be resolved. for i believe that justice shall be done. the good samaritain spirit in all of us should go on, helping the helpless... that is the way the world should go ard.
however, back to the point of the salary of the NKF chairman. indeed, SGD 25 000 is a ridiculous amount to draw. even if he is the chairman of an organisation. coz NKF is an independent charitable organisation, depending their income from the donations of the public or so they claim. The public; which consist of the low income, middle income grp and high end income grp. Can you imagine an average household with a total combined income of 3k, forking out as much as they can afford to help the needy, and it all ended up being the salary package drawn by the chairman of tt organisation? undesirable is all i have to say.
which brings me to another pt of morality. how can durai 's conscience allow him to do tt? hmm... interesting pt... shall nt elaborate on tt pt... coz he who do it know best...
let's hope other organisations too can learn fromt this incident... errr... nope, not the part to sue other company and kena cover blown... rather, be more transparent and only take wad u need... and be justifiable for what u have done in a moral and conscience way. and DO NOT lie about ur assets and all...
hmmm... so exactly how much should the staffs working at such organisation draw? good pt... good question... how about the same as civil servants? or miliary? or maybe we can fix a salary for all staffs... will be good? i guess i leave u readers to ponder...
hmm... i guess this is one of the few entries which i will actually blog on current affairs... and gosh... do i really sound like writing an essay? dots... tt's lame...
hmm... come to tink of it, it is actually quite diff to blog an entry given today's soo many sensitive issue on the contents on blog... so is really blog a personal space or is it just another facade to hide our ugly self... except it is in cyberspace... tt really leaves me to ponder... tt pt alone will defeat my purpose to blog in the first place... i do not need another this not REAL whole...
hmm... let me examine abt what i should blog abt:
if i blog on movies review, ppl say tt i am trying to be a movie critic
if i blog on my sch life, ppl say tt i am boring
if i blog on my cca, ppl say tt i have no life
if i blog on my bball session, ppl say tt i am trying to act pro and is boring
if i blog on my outing with my guy frens, ppl say tt i am gay
if i blog on my outing with my girl frens, ppl say tt i am a flirt
if i blog on my fights with my bro or mum, ppl say tt i am nt filial
if i blog on my feelings, ppl say tt i am acting emotional and trying to act pathetic
if i blog on my tots, ppl say tt i tink too much and blog crap
if i blog on my frens, ppl say tt i am back stabbing and hurting relationships
if i blog on my family, ppl say tt i am trying to act family close-knitted
if i blog on how good my cca is, ppl will tink tt i am trying to promote my cca
if i blog on how bad my cca is, ppl will say tt i am tarnishing my ccas
if i blog on my frustration, ppl will say tt i am trying to gain sympathy
if i blog on my joys, ppl will say tt i am trying to act happy and self contented
if i blog on the things i buy, ppl will say tt i got no taste or a money spurlger
if i blog on the things i met, ppl will say tt i m a nosey parker who tink too much
if i blog on my thinking, ppl will say tt i tink the world revolve ard me
it is really tough being a blogger... maybe chp 117 will look like these:
guohui blogged at xx:xxpm.
oh well, i type too much...
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, July 14, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 115
oh well, i have got nth better to do besides studying for my lab test... tried this very lame quiz...
Your IQ Is 110 |
 Your Logical Intelligence is Above Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional Your General Knowledge is Above Average |
You Are a Life Blogger! |

Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary. If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible. |
 You are dependable, popular, and observant. Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness. In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.
You are unique, creative, and expressive. You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while. And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming! |
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart. |
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. |
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. |
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. |
ok ok... i noe tt is enuf. usually, i do not really like bloggers who post quiz on their blog... actually i do rather tink tt is kinda childish... but why am i doing the same thing now? dots... tt is very ironic k...
actually, i dun even intended to blog today... but out of boredness, here i am...
hmm... have been listening to a lot of songs that i have used to listen when i was younger, songs like "if i let you go" by westlife, " this i promise u" and so... tt was way back when i was sec 1 or 2... hmm... duno y but these sounds sounds quite soothing to me and yar, definitely have diff tots now on listening to them... can relate it more than last time... hmm... interesting...
and now on my playlist are songs of the past; like here without you, should i stay and collin raye's songs... like love me... hmm.. interesting...
and dots... i should be back to my studies...
guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, July 13, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 114
alrite, the blog bug hit me and here i am again...
hmmm, had my GEM test on calender and astronomy today... which is freaking easy... it is a test based purely on common sense. which somehow i sense lacking in many teens nowadays... i predict scoring the max if not for my absurb spelling error...
well, i couldn't blame myself tt much for not remembering the name of months of the Indian Civil calender... and cedric, i AM NOT A RACIST. juz becoz i can't spell malay and indian words dun make me one ok.
hmm.. beside tt, have been real moody at school today... personal reasons... which i shall not divulge here... or i might be used for personal attack...
have been thinking a lot a lot lately...
ok. have been sharing this story with zr the other day. err.. not TT ZR... is zr as in zong rong... wahhaha... ok. stop the jk before all hell broke loose...
she may like him but he dun like her.
he like HER but SHE might not like him.
but i myself is tinking like, should he go for she instead rather than to wait for HER?
dots... nvm... it's absurd... totally spastic...
nvm the crap...
oh... nvm... really... guohui is such an idiotic idiot who do and think idiotic stuffs.... lame...
hmm... i do not like ppl who do not tink. esp doing things when u dun tink abt the consequences...
but m i too extreme but thinking abt every other possible outcome?
Is this a case of negative RISK ASSESSMENT MANAGEMENT?
damn... i supposed so... and this is not very good...
and i really tt i do not really like the following kind of ppl:
one who proclaim how much he/she loves an activty, join tt activity, go MIA for tt activity for another activity who he/she claim also to be his/her life.
wad's worse is he/she reappear for the initial activity when something big, something fun comes along and ......
shall not go on typing... i noe it is a bad case of bad backstabbing... but i duno wad is rambling thru my head now... i am practically shooting anything off with my foul mind and in this case, fingers...
well, at least for sure, i am pretty depress when my world come crashing down on my and i can't do anything abt it... at least i do not want to do something abt it. juz don't want ppl to get hurt... coz i rather me be the one...
err, nope, i'm nt proclaiming how noble i am. i juz want to be spared tt ugly names of peace destroyer/ spammer/ the guy with thorns.
in words,i rather be the victim than the villian, though i half hearted wanted to be tt villian, and if possible, the honourable villian.
if it never starts, it will never end.this is one really good mindset? i need an answer. someone. anyone.
nvm. end of story... oh i am juz such good script-writer that i should be considering a change of vocation from the inspiring technopreneur/ engineer to a award-winning scriptwriter...
i wish...
except i dun really wanna be one.
and oh manz, my world is sooo broken up... damn.
if it never starts, it will never end.this is one really good mindset? i need an answer. someone. anyone.
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, July 11, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 113
alrite, having the sudden urge to blog, i decide to blog... lame... well... lame...dots...
hmmm, had a nice ball game with desmond, wei long and botak ytd.. managed to win a lot of teams... tt is soo back like to the old days when we were utter noobs man... too bad weilong is now is OCS... hardly see him ard...
hmm... today... i mean saturday... actually intended to go down to cchs to see see before my 2 hm outing de... but the timing is shifted and i overslp... so might as well skip it la... din exactly really have fun at the outing today... coz half of the time, i was tinking abt the parade... and the things i will miss... i guess this is the partially the same reason y i still couldn't let go of cchsm npcc...i m still very attached to it... well, today i did one very unbelievable thing, n tt is to miss such an impt occasion... the good thing is at least tt shows tt my life dun revolve ard npcc sooo much... and tt i can break away in time to come...
but i noe tt there is still a very personal reason for not going... those who noe me well and know the recent incident should bt able to guess... hmmm... i noe i will feel tt sense of emptiness and upset if i were to be part today... which i was supposed to be proud and happy for others...
nvm... tt sounds... sooo... nvm... it's gone an event, it's gone...
alrite... for today... everyone was late as usual... leaving only me and esther being the earliest ppl at 15mins late... wahahah.... den went to mac to chat... den go parkway buy volleyball, den to ECP lame there... played beach volleyball, dodgeball etc... errr...everything is so impromptu-ly impromptu... wahahah....
but come to tink of it, it is soo rather amazing tt our sec 2 class can connect together after sooo long... 4yrs le... and we were only classmates for a yr... interesting... i still love 2hm... though it is kinda sian to see zr, zq and jasper almost every week... wahha... nice to see michelle, esther, sook mei, ziyan, tze chew again...
ok... we din exactly have a interesting day.. but it is the company tt matters.. tt is good enuf...
and grrrrhh... i m gonna tink a lot tonite... slply slpless nite again... tt's bad...
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, July 10, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 112
wehhh... back to blogging after sooo long... have been venturing here and there for the past few days...
went town with the gang on friday... bought a new shirt from fourskin... saw caryn, chin yeh and sooo many peeps k... and chin yeh looks damn pai kia k.... my frens tot i offended so pia kia in town k... whahaa....
den went to mpcc to meet up with zong rong, zhen qiang and jasper... had a juicy preview of zr's hp finally....wahhaahah... shall speak not the contents k... he might clobbered me to death... or worse... played bball topless with jeans... din exactly played well... coz of the restriction... but well enuf to XL a bit... and make robert horry-a-like shots here and there... but jasper's ball is damn dusty k... den i realised tt i have gotten too used to my hse bball court k... the high rims and all... tt all the others seems so short... hence... my hooks suxs big time... wadever..
shall not mention abt how jasper whack my balls... ouch...
ate the "hygienic" duck rice and played DOTA for a moment... den to jasper's hse play cards... wasn't having the best of luck... damn it...
sat... slpt till late... bball and talk cock at the the rain...
sunday... went out with HY to bugis and suntec... got nth better to do... coz we met when i was on my way for lunch... den both of us got nth better to do... went out... strolled in bugis.. den to suntec... den to esplanade... den to bedok... a sian0.5 day indeed...
was damn sick on mon.... till now... down with cold and fever... tt explains the ... sentence till now... too brain dead to type properly...
went down to cchs to help out for the school anniversary parade.... tt is supposed to be this sat... well... wasn't feeling exactly fantastic( as in emotionally and well... i was sick oso rite) well..
all i gotta say tt i wasn't very impressed with the parade so far... it lacks the soul, the pride... the supporting contigent just don't have the aura... the look... the feel...even the contigent IC are just kids.... dots...
the GOHs are not tt impressive either... i dun even think tt they are proud of their uniform, their rank, themselves... sloppish drills, sloppish posture...
they dun even realise how lucky they are to be in the contigent... last time, we have to really prove our worth to just be in the parade... even for supporting contigent... but now they dun even cherish their chance... well... times changes... pampered kids.... haiz...
shall not comment on the PCs... coz i dun tink i am very good myself... so i shall keep it to myself... but i supposed we can see for ourselves la... hopefully...
in words... i dun supposed it to be a grand parade... but lets hope everything goes well lar...
gosh... i rejected kenny, kenneth and raymond to be area 1 lifeguard for their sea activities... let's hope they can find another replacement... or i will feel sooo guilty man...
and oh i am going to break mavis and co's heart by not being in the parade or even going there on sat...
and maybe even miss sending my cousin off to brisbane on sat..
coz finally there is going to be a harmony outing... finally... for once, i am putting down everything to be there... so i hope i will not be tooo disappointed... i hope...
guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, July 06, 2005.