hail the ground guohui blog on
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 80 yea!!! guohui had finally blog 3 days in a row man... tt's sooo nice of me rite... but being an avid blogger now who have got nth better to do than to blog, i decided to go ahead with my 3 post of the week... okie, i screwed up my finanical management test today man... left out a 25 marks present net value question.. okie, i noe tt is suicide but i dunno how to read tt stupid annex table man... den went for my critical reasoning skill test which saw me spending half of my time crapping with my teacher and classmate... yes!!! in the test itself.... i keep on grumbling that she did not bring curry puff for us and my dudes out dere keep on bombaring me with crushed paper ball... tt 's like so childish rite? aniwae, shld be again to score in test IF we take reference from the previous 2 test which i score reasonably well... but tt is a pretty BIG "IF". the topic for the day is " teenagers are self-centred and self destructive." decided to take a day off from revision today and catch " the house of fury" with my classmate at Lot 1.. damn... as a tampines dweller, i am ashamed to say tt the number of time i stepped into lot 1 is exceeding the number of times i stepped into tampines mall ma... haha... but my thesis of tampines dwellers dun go to tampines mall is thus proven by yours sincerely... bleahx.. okie, for your info, " house of fury" is a show directed by stephen fung himself. he also starred as the male lead actor alongside wiht gillian chung of twins... though the other half of the twin, charlene choi made minimum appearance, i am totally smitten by her cute actions and personality man... haha...  courtesty of http://www.moviexclusive.com without sought permission ok, for the benefit of those who cannot differentiate charlene and gillian, i decided to clear ur doubt for once and for all...  this cute cute girl is charlene choi, my preferred of the TWINs...  this is gillian chung, the other half of TWINs... okie? clear? haha...
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, March 31, 2005.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 79 okie, i noe i have been bloggin very often these few days... tt is a plus sign rite??? haha.. okie, today i finally saw the last of auto cad test and Digital Electronic lab test man... phew... at least now i can take a breather till tml's financial management and critical reasoning skills test... so all da best to me tml man... and to all those who caught virus from me via MSN ytd, would like to say apologise for tt man... though i really dun wanna it tt way, who does? haha... but if u are clueless on how to CURE ur com, guohui is offering free services man... haha and btw, friendster is having their own blog space for bloggers man... but hey, i love http://guohuilist.blogspot.com too much le, so i ain't gonna migrate over... i guess i just gotta stay loyal to my very own pages here... so stay tune for chp 80 and more dudes... ok ok, for the benefits of all those ppl asking me abt life in poly, i shall share abt my experience here... okie, being one of the few peeps who actually went to poly after the Os, i was consulted by many to ask me abt the my life there man... okie, after spending ard close to 1 yr at poly, here are some of my experience man... first pt of all man, for me rite, i have VERY LONG break time for my lectures and tutorial man... so gotta find ways to kill time.. longest break ever encounterd was a cool 5 hrs break... hmm, for me rite, i usually go to the FREE ACCESS labs to play flash games on sites like www.miniclips.com or www.mofunzone.com. haha... slacker rite? and more flash sites will be popping up in my life soon... or nt, will be out shopping with frens or countering projects... okie, pt no 2 is the attendance thingy... though the rules says tha u will be barred for exams if ur attendance is less than 75%, the tendency is that many lecturers WILL not care a hood abt whther u are going for lectures... though attendance will still be taken... and the OTHER tendency is that one will skip classes and before we know it, a warning letter will be sent to our house, much to the dismay of our parents... i know of ppl like that man, rite? yong sheng and chen yong? haha... so it is really up to ur own initiative and discipline to make sure u turn up for ur lectures and tutorial... though wad u do in these class is ur own discrete ba... discipline in class are also not as strict as tt in sec sch... at least for me la... in poly, no one really cares whether u are slping or listening to mp3 players man... so again, discipline really comes in here... another pt is the tutorial part, if u dun really make an effort to do ur tutorial, u will actually suffer in the end.. coz most tutors dun really check whether u have done urs or nt... believe me, for me rite, i have yet to go for more than 2 tutorials for my PEEE this semester... coz the tutor is really those bo chap those type who will SMS in class de... these applies to many of my classmates as well... food is yet a minor problem man... though SP has got 6 food court, i am actually running out of choices to wad to eat man... no matter wad u order, majority of the time it is.... *drum roll* CHICKEN... again... haiz... haha okie, back to another pt... the transportation fee will really burn a hole in ur pocket man... train concession alone stands at SGD 45.. excluding bus rides for me... so my monthly transportation fee excluding cab fare stands at SGD 90 ++ man... tt is really ... $ #!&*#&!*.. moreover i am juz a student man... i noe some of my fren actually use their siblings's secondary / primary school's concession to cheat the way thru... for me, i have not reach tt scene..... yet... okie, here comes one BIG problem..... clothes... every morning, i will wake up to stare at my wardrobe... damn, wad will i wear today man... in the end, i have tried many different combi of my shirts and before it know it, it's time to shop for new clothes again... and that when i go out casually rite, i dun really make an effort to decide wad to wear le... haha... it is taxing on the brain man... yea... another pt... the lecture and tutorial hrs are flexihours.. meaning that u start ur day differently every day... and of course, ends differently... i can have lessons on monday from 0800 to 1300, 1500 to 1800... and similarly, tuesday lesson goes 1000 to 1200... fullstop... c the contrast... yar yar.. i have come to the last part i wanna mention man... the reason y i chose poly over JC is because i want to experience something diff... wanting to expertise in one field rather than study general subject such as physics or F maths... also, i was also fearful that i will flunk my As with flying colors and not able to make it to a uni... this can be proven by my WONDERFUL results in sec sch... esp sec 3... if u dun believe, ask Mr Yue Lip Sin, the MAN who will i have to see every term break for extra study sessions... and the same man who made me promise him tt i will be in TJC or VJC after my stints at chung cheng... apparently, i disappoint him by going to a poly which he DUN really like that... also, i would want something solid to fall back on, a dependable diploma of engineering should i fail in my career next time... the idea is that most prob, i wun stick with engineering in the uni man.. but again who noes... so with all these in mind, i choose ELECTRONIC, COMPUTER and COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING in singapore poly... a broad based engineering course... with uni now opening up more the poly grad, i see it as an opportunity as well as a reason for me to go to a poly instead of a JC... but somehow there is a catch man... the government wants more ppl to get into a poly because a poly offers a life skill to the ppl.... being a service and manufacturing industries, we are always in demand for skill workers like those offered in the poly... tt's why poly are set up in the first place... hence to meet the supply for demand, the government is encouraging ppl to get into poly to get at least a life skill... for university wise in this case, they will nt want so much poly ppl in it... coz they will have to spend more to allow the poly grads to gain deeper insight into their field of studies... the government will rather want the JC peeps to get into uni coz they have NOT possess a life skills like those poly grads... and did i forget to mention that a A lvl cert is nth compared to a diploma and a NITEC cert? so JC ppls MUZ get into the UNI to secure a lifeline in life... tt is whr i am nt tt keen to get into a JC.. imagine not getting into a uni after the 2yrs stint... and also nt getting a course of ur choice... for poly grads rite, u are most likely to continue ur jobscope of studies at the UNI unless u want a change of course... but NOT all poly grads make it to a uni eventually coz of the situation i mentioned 2 paragraphs ago... of course there are some who do not want to get in... but some fuck up their studies and go straight to the job... so it is wise to consider the pros and cons before switching from a JC to a poly... i made my choice... but juz to share one particular thing man... since most of my sec sch frens are in JC, there are time which i regretted nt getting into a JC... whenever there is a gathering, there are talks on how PW sucks and all but i wasn't there to experience it... somehow there is just a line of difference... and there are times which i rather put on a uniform instead of racking my brain on wad to wear... and the discrimination by some JC ppl who look down on poly students juz because of the status manz... oh cmon, do they even noe that ther are many JC eligible ppl ard in poly nowadays... and the holiday thingy now for poly and jc are poles apart man... completely different... so it is rather diff to meet up rather often and go out... yeap, i guess that is abt it... shall continue on another day... i'm getting slpy... yawn
guohuilist turned back time on Wednesday, March 30, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 78 okie... have been trying very hard to study and get into my study mood for the upcoming sem test... damn... have been really slacking ard since xmas time... now still kinda haven got the mood to study leh... damn sian... and the sem exam subjects are taxing me out man... i have actually ran out of practice papers to do for maths le... sian... and the Digital Electronic parts i still have 538 pages to mug thru... tt is so sian0.5... and it is taking up lots of space in my brain man... tt explains how brain dead i am these few days... imagine tons of information i tried to cram inside the little peanut brain of mine... air holes inclusive.. damn... so i went on my FIRST jog in many many weeks... ( excluding jogs during NPCC hrs)... managed a time of 9:55 for my 2.4km... i would consider tt a GOOD attempt after months of not jogging man...and i've discovered that i have slack a lot and my stamina have been suffering a lot man... okie, at this pt of time, i wanna apologised to all those ppl who kena tio the msn virus by me man... pai seh pai seh... but it is not my fault man... some chatting pal of mine got it and transfer it to me... sian0.5... ok, i tink tt's it for now... no mood to blog le... haiz
guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, March 29, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 77 okie, back from my ching ming from malaysia... muahah.... for the FIRST time in 10 YEARS, i actually went back to pay respect to my grandpa during ching ming man.. for all those of u who DUN NOE wad is ching ming, it is actually a day to remember ur beloved ones who had moved on in life k... yeap... ok, went back on friday with my dad... saw my cousins and all.. they seem pretty fine and all... i mean they all look kinda abt the same since we parted 2 months ago or was it 3 mths during CNY... Oh boy, they looked kinda shocked to c me k...muahaha... went ard the quiet town of kuantan to catch up... went to pay our respect to grandpa on sat afternoon... okie, i gotta admit i have those kind of mixed feeling as i lighted up my josticks as all man... den went back home to have our vegetarian meals... at noon, my uncle took us to KOPITIAM, a rising coffeeshop franchise which is supposed to serve traditional coffee with a blend of modern touch.. had this mocha like drink which blend kopi (coffee) with choc, whipped cream, mixed fruit and cookie... taste kinda alrite to me... den went to swiss garden resort to find zhenqiang... den saw huiqun with zhen qiang and we had a chat by the lounge there man... first meetin in malaysia man...haha... kinda thrilling... treated them to some CHEAP drinks.... ( we nt supposed to touch alcohol coz WE R NOT 18 yet, esp ZQ, remember?)...den crapped for a little, took some photos before i left... went for dinner after that before catching a coach back to sg... canot get a plane tix man... on the coach, there is a surprisingly pleasant view of the night sky...coz on the suburban terrain on the highway, there isn't much lighting...den the night sky is very visible with stars... a truely intrigue and relaxing sight... it has been a long time since i put down everything on my mind to admire the night sky... den ponder abt the issues in my life while listening on my mp3 player...though somehow it rained at 3am plus, i actually do enjoy the atmosphere which brings out my inner spirit to much peace and relaxation... to ponder and ponder... reached the customary examination at 0430am, the queue is damn long k... saw this family which BOLDLY cut the queue k... however i din actually blamed them after stepping in their shoes...they had this two young lady of age no more than 6... excluding their eldest sis of age 15+-? ( heard it on the coach, they were on the same coach as me...) the mother had the true blood of a SINGAPOREAN k.. displaying kiasuism and kiasiism to the fullest... aniwae, din breathe a word to the family abt cutting queue... nope, it wasn't coz of the decent looking 15yr old girl... but after stepping in their shoes, could not blame them... yar... rite... aniwae, i tink this entry sounds pretty boring... and the way i present it... kinda brain dead now... ya... oh ya, btw, i lurve my new handphone pouch man... zhenqiang and huiqun shld noe y...haha....
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, March 27, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 76 okie..i'm here... i have to be gud on the eve of gud friday rite... haha... okie... first time first... i SHALL STRESS on how i fractured my wrist.. AGAIN... *moment of silence before the stupidity story unveil* here goes: guohui went to his IDEAs module class with much enthusiasm.. upon seeing that yong sheng is not there yet to snatch his fav seat from him, he happily approach the seat...(for those of u who do not noe wad is the fav seat, it is the window seat in hte IDEAs classroom facing the staircase and multi-lecture hall 12 at singapore poly. it is also known as the viewing gallery coz most of the time spent in class during in lecture are wisely spent by observing pretty girls walking down the stairs... and of course, critisizing session of the total uncool peeps who walk pass...) ok, back to the story... guohui happily pulled out the chair and shouted " it is good in here." and sat down on the chair... den the right side of the chair gave way and guohui landed on his RIGHT hand again, aggrievating his injury..." den he endured the pain despised the lecturers persuassion to go home... *clap* *clap* *clap* den poor guohui gotta visit the chinese sinseh again and got a body TWIST of his life man... he paid SGD 35 more and got a bottle of chinese medicine which TASTE as sweet as bitter.... duh.... *laughter* great... n yeap.... guohui finally got his FIRST crumplers' shoulder bag... at SGD 90... n was critisized and gotten shot in MANY presentation because of it... duh...  here is how my bag looks like.. except it is baby blue in the middle.. this color scheme apparently is out of stock... =( ya rite... ok... gtg now... muz rest my hand and TAKE MY MEDICINE....
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, March 24, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 75 today is the start of a new week dudes... having nth to do, decided that i could do with a blog entry okie... shall blog another inconsiderate train commuters today man... okie... kinda pissed by someone FREAK who MIGHT have spread fleas on me today... shall blog abt him today.... went to shop as per normal via the SMRT today... as usual, i was stoning on the seats on the way to dover... but something HORRIBLE happened to me... along came one guy!!! with LONG HAIR... white turned-YELLOWISH baseball cap..., pimple infested face, covered with OIL..., kiddy NO RULES shirt came to sat beside me... the minute he sat down... he began to slp...till this pt of time, there was nth wrong man... till he began to lose conscious and start to tilt towards me man... being courteous, i decided not to wake him up and tried to softly pushed him back.. but this PENDULUM tilted his head towards my shoulder again man... tt was gross... imagine teh FLEAS he might contain in his CAP.. the dandruff in his hair, the OIL on his face, the pimples on his face... gross... N his HAIR stints man... when i politely tapped him to ask him to disengage, he gave me a rude stare as if i was disturbing his slp.... AND WENT BACK TO SLP MAN!!! AND TILTED HIS HEAD ON MY SHOUDLER MAN!!! cmon, tt is so damn gross....imagine: 1) my image being spoilt 2) ppl might think tt i'm gay 3) the FLEAS i might get 4) my clean face being smeared with oil...( wad for i need oil? to provide lubricants for my PROJECT 1???) 5) The filth smell i will get 6) the dandruff might fall on my body 7) MY PEACEFUL slp.... thank gosh he din drooze man.... N i hate this kinda of ppl always... ever... totally gay and pissed off by tt... N come to tink of it, i remembered this incident last week... i gave my seat to a much needed old man... but there is this mid 30s auntie came over and squash her ASS on the seat, totally unaware of the situation here... obviously w/o a thank you man... i wasn't hankering for a thank you but hey, the seat wasn't even for her in the first place... duhx.... but i was also pai seh to ask her to get up to give up her seat for the old man... train commuters like the 2 examples above ar... really pissed by them....not forgetting the followin type of ppl 1) aunties and cheapo uncles who rushed in to squash their ASS on the seats 2) aunties who get their children to run fast fast to chop seats 3) ppl who DUN give their seats to those more needy of them 4) ppl with small ASS but occupy 2 seats 5) ppl with BIG ASS and occupy 2 seats ( but can't be blamed la. this one) 6) ppl who squeeze their way through in a PACKED train 7) commuters with Body Odour... big problem man for more information on them, please refer to Life of guohui... chp 53... under the train problem man boy, i just cannot understand y singaporean can't make taking a public transport a more graceful act.... oh ya, btw, screwed up my PEEE lab test today... haiz... bye bye, long post today huh?
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, March 21, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 74 post 74... suddenly i have this urge to blog man... nope... there is nth special happening in my life... have been guai-kia-ing mugging for my exams... besides side tracking to begin on the angels and demons by dan brown... my 3rd book from this particular writer... i'm left with digital fortress next man... gosh... each book is definitely as interesting as each other... it is really amazing how he actually blend facts into fiction... aniwae, me slpt till 4pm today... giving meself ample rest to embark on a more tedious week ahead... den went off to study a bit of engineering maths before typing my financial management project... juz printed out the assignment though... went off to study ytd at marine parade cc 's starbuck... kinda fruitful day i would say... it was till 4pm that i realise that i haven got any date for the nite and asked the brotherhood out... but sadly they had got something on and i was left dateless on a sat nite... sian... dun feel like going to town to watch a movie with other friends either at tt pt of time... coz i was in my berms and tee shirt with a backpack... looks so NOT NICE... haha...den headed home and went online man... crapped with darrell for a moment before heading down to coffee session with a few neighbourhood frens... den slpt for the nite and my wrist is still hurting man... come to tink of it, it is already coming to the 4th week le... spending over SGD 100 ++ on my dumb wrist coz of my dumb act is definitely dumb man... wadever...
guohuilist turned back time on Monday, March 21, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 73 okie okie... i'm back... hmm... time do flies man... so fast is da weekend le... yeap... it's really really kinda fast man... had a real busy week and it is time to relax and loosen up abit le... okie, here's a summary of the major things i have done: 1) grading on my musical box for project 1 2) finished my IDEAs modules 3) finish CRS presentation yar yar... i guess almost every major project of acad yr 1 is almost done le... den today received the lab test for digital electronic due next week or next next week... finished the count down timer circuit drawing with the class peeps today... but the outcome seems complicated... will have to find time to do some adjustment if i can... n went to do the PEE Project Based Individual Learning( PBIL) with cedric and co together... spent a brain racking + tearing afternoon at the lab... finally completed waveform 1 le... gotta buck up to do waveform 2 and hopefully finish it for the interview on monday... man... need for speed... here are the casualties for the afternoon: 1) 1 fuse from the transformer 2) 2 diodes which acually split into 2 upon "explosion) 3) 1 22ohm resistor 4) 1 dying guohui who might have inhale too much smoke 5) many strands of hair from guohui TO the above mention... the world will thank and remember you all for your noble cause... u shall temporarily not be forgotten... adieu my comrade. ok, had this song sessions in preparation for the FO camp coming ahead... gotten a bit emotional coz these camps songs actually have hidden meanings for me... To the rest of the club peeps, it may be just happy songs to sing for merry and joy... but for me, it is another case.. it reminds me of the wonderful np days i spent with my squad... it just serve as a wonderful walk down the memory lane for me in np... ppl like hong wee especially... or kwan... or kiat yong... brother chee... kai wei... etc...cchsm npcc nco batch 02/03... kinda got carried away... esp the pearly shells song... though it din end with hurry hurry home, i had almost sung it out loud... though i know deep in my heart, i M singing out loud... " so hurry hurry home love hurry home to singapura admist the mountain and the valley i miss u so i miss u so i know i know u have to go so hurry back home love i miss u so i miss u so in the eastern part of singapore there is a place whr we belong to where we train to be an NCO in chung cheng main in chung cheng main " this song will always ring in my heart and shall be dedicated to the np peeps... esp the 9 of us who went thru the sec 3 atc stints...guys... i DO miss u all so... yeap... aniwae, the songs session was disappointing... almost childish... i just dun get tt kind of sei or morale when i sang it with my squadmates.... maybe it is that they never reach tt stage before... maybe i expect too much from them... the feeling just is nt there... plus ppl like guanhao is jus too attention seeking and demand public attention really pissed me off man... but i change can't him... no one can... and i dun wish to... nor can i make myself to accept him... so the best solution i guess is isolation... the sense of belonging to the ppl at the club is just so drifting apart... i jus dun feel the kind of sense of belonging i enjoy at cchsm npcc... little wonders y i can stay at cchsm npcc for 5yrs and going yet sick of club... n pls lar ppls like jason... i m from np and i have sang the songs longer than u tink... for 5yrs every weekend... i dun tink i am a deserving CI if i dun even noe the song lyrics for camp songs... yes i noe u are trying to be approachable and concern but really THANKS... but i will ask IF i need it... disappointing session... yeap... sem exams are coming le... gotta start to mug le man... would love to try to start off tml... depending on my mental strength man... but meanwhile, allow me to take a deserving rest for my hardwork for the week...
guohuilist turned back time on Saturday, March 19, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 72 phew... time to catch a breather from the numerous projects that i have to rush for the week... really big ones likes IDEAs and Critical Reasoning Skills... lab test for PEEE and digital electronic coming up next week... and phew, thank gosh i completed my muscial box to be submitted for review tml... oh ya.. went to help out for the ATF for sec 4 yesterday... was equally fun and tiring... we had 5 cis from area 11 and non for area 12...duh... and i'm as usual getting pissed by cadets from other schs... for once, i'm proud of my NCOs for their well behavior most of the time... wad can i say, i'm proud of cchsm npcc man!!! was all set off to go by meeting zhiwei at my hse busstop and took a cab to changi jetty to meet up with broadrick sec and my unit... upon reaching the jetty, found out from jon that we were the hosting unit!!! tt was really like WTH man... but mr kwek is really lucky to have 2 CIs from his unit to help him organise things out... (me and jon... muahhhaha) everything was alrite from the jetty to changi, except was given the bu shang face by tt TO from Victoria School who went ( my unit is ready to move out le... why do we have to wait for other units to go first)... diaoz... tt's was so immatured man... to tink he is a TO... doesn't he know wad is queueing up??? i have my duties and regulations to follow k... oops... i forgot the clause in my instructor's code of conduct: treat all TO with utmost respect... ATC was always fun... for CIs... organised the NCOs and went on to become their nannies for the day... din get to try the ATF at all man... aniwae, i wasn't supposed to... got an injured wrist remember??? ... lunch time and asrul came with ammunition of snacks and fizzy drinks...cool... thanks asrul... okie, for once, lunch from HQ wasn't revanda's... haha... had lots of bananas... den went on to run errands for the day man... like getting the muslim females to follow me to get the new FI to get the dorm key for the muslim female to get their praying equipment to pray.... aniwae, learn something new ytd... muslim ladies are nt supposed to touch guys or let guys touch them before they pray to so called cleanse themselves... and i ended up making fun of asrin and hyatti for the day... muahaha... i'm evil and such a racist... but they are kind souls who can take my jokes rite??? yar... den have to settle the issue of NCOs not getting enuf water... after jon's sale of 1.5 litre water bottles, had to get another 2 cartons of 24 bottles... so me an jon went to the maintance room to carry them... for tt, i worsen my injury man.... shhhhh.... after tt, was finally free to have a little chat with jon and mr kwek... heard abt NS life for mr kwek... wad damn interesting k... din noe tt he graduated from the OCS... he dun look like one...but he is.. he went thru 12 weeks of OCS course instead of the 9 coz he missed one oversea trainin... den once took charge of the commandos and went thru the commando wings... den transferrd to ATTAC and had to go thru armoured vehicle school... had been thru overseas a lot of times to act as opposition enemies for NS men... reservist as a pathfinder and went thru guards wings.... oh man... i tink i better start respecting him more man... ( i dun mean i dun respect him in the past). can't tell tt he is a man of talent... muahahh went for dinner with fellow instructors of area 11 at changi jetty after whole thing end... made a silly mistake of drawing SGD 50 instead of SGD 20 from the ATM... den my NCOs took my money and treated us sugarcane juice... den went home after tt went to the sinseh again to look at my wrist... another SGD 30 gone... den slpt till today loh... the ATF day was fun... took a lot of nice scenary pics from the bumboat and campsite.... oh ya, campsite....we now have BBQ pit at noordin campsite!!! tt is so THE!!! tt spells CI BBQ for ATC man!!! n i juz found out tt many NCO nowadays dun have brains.... the.... n now, back to my projects....
guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, March 15, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 71 ok... i'm really pissed off now... blogger had some error and deleted the entry i typed out painstakingly a few moments ago... damn... anyway, i gotta reblog.... by the way, i din really meant to blog today... but i do really wanna vent out my frustrations... especially today... i started the day with a wonderful morning initially... for once this sem, i did not squabble with my mum in the morning for waking me up... i am a living sleeping log these days k... for once this sem my alarm clock din suffered the fate of being whacked by me... for once my hp is not dangling in midair, with attached charger cord as its only life line. ( every morming, it either vibrate off to the edge of the table and fell off or it is displaced by yours sincerely off its original position). everything was perfectly fine till i reach class... for once this sem, i was only 20mins late for the PEEE module k... not trying to be sarcastic, but how often can u see me being in class at the 30mins mark... anyway, i missed my usual gossiping / crapping session / sleeping session and took out my fullscape paper and started to actualize the proposed financial budget i have to come up with for the IDEAS proposal which was to be vet at the later part of the day..... i even missed the listening to lecturer k.. nt tt i am really that attentive, but i swear i do listen to him at times... after the lesson, i hand it over to TT PERSON to take a look, hoping that HE will at least appreciate what i have done so professionally.... instead of a thank, HE gotten into his stern solemn look which almost spells " hey-i-m-the-boss. wad-i-say-is-correct. so-listen-to-me". HE started to rattle off " this is not wad i wanted, i tot we agreed on last week blah blah blah blah.... i have even asked my business sch frens and lecturer blah blah blah.....", armed with his digusting hand signs... i did not know what came into me and started to flared up too... in response to his preach, i juz shouted " fuck la, if u have already know wad to expect, can't u juz volunteer to do it rather than me wasting so much time trying to produce something. i have done my fucking research and if u tink tt is not in sync with ur business sch frens, so be it... N dun give me tt attitude, i'm neither ur slave nor ur underlings." after which immediately, i tore the piece of paper from my pad, packed my packed and stormed out of the class. upon the door, i gave a kick ( my right hand was injured and i can't punched the door k) and stormed out... aiming towards the nearest rubbish bin, i crushed the paper n threw it inside... though my other classmates did pacify me me telling me tt it was nt my fault, i still cannot take it down... at leaSt i got some concrete work to show... how abt him dude... and worst of all, i had my fuckingly poser class rep trying to act as the mediator, trying to stop the busted up, without actually knowing what actually happened... all he was trying to do was to make his presense felt and trying off his friendly-service and always-sociable nature for wad the fucked up... he did not even know wad was going on... besides, the last person i want to seek help from is a poser... damn... i do not know what had gotten into me... i knew i wasn't like these before... the last bust-up was during my sec 2 days when planning the farewell party with hong wei... but we did patch up and remains frens till today... n the patching up was few hrs later when we both realise how hot-headed we had been... but not today... i dun even feel that i was wrong... maybe tt's because it have been building up for a long time... it was time to let off steam... but i dare assured that this will never be a part of me... this was the first time i was so flared up that i used more than 3 "fuck"s in an arguement and 3 "fuck"s in my language friendly, family suitable content blog... i guess i muz be really pissed... oh boy.. there goes my day... n i'm really pissed... esp when i'm typing these for a second time rd... tml will be a better day....
guohuilist turned back time on Thursday, March 10, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 70 yeah yeah yeah... 70th posts le... time for a da shou celebration huh? yar yar... wad's the big fuss up... life is abt enjoying every moment isn't it.... aniwae, there is 1 month more to my yr 1 status in SP le... excluding the various projets bombing out, my sessional test in on the 5th, 8th and 11th april... ending with my worst subject of digital electronic on 11th april, 6pm to 8.10pm!!! tt is a total OMG man... taking a paper in the evening when i'm supposed to be geared up for dinner. i'm most probably bring my dinner along and have it during the 7pm mark... diaoz... anyway, juz a few weeks more k... tt's like so woah... did really expect poly life to finish up so fast, erm... ya... unexpectedly 1 yr le... so 2 month from now... i gonna be a yr 2 student... but let me pass this period first... projects are really stressing me out man... but the recent slackingly long break time is a torture. For eg mon, my financial management class ends early at 0930. supposed to have a 3hr long engineering maths lesson starting at 10 and PEEE pract at 3pm.. but received a phone call from class rep saying tt our lecturer is sick... tt leaves me with a 5hr 30mins break man... somemore i stay in tampines, impossible for me to go home... hence i end up slackin in the library man... another case of it was last thurs... another 5 hrs break, ended up slacking in dennis hse playing winning eleven and BS-ing... in other words, poly break time for me this sem sucks big time... it is really a case of i-rather-have-lessons... ya ya... today actually made my day... haha... encountered a comical and most hilarious scene today man... was during my usual slp time on the train from tampines to dover.... usually i would wake up peacefully by redhill stop... ready to alight at dover FEW stops away... but today was totally lame diao... saw this errr... girl noticing me when i open my eyes... ( was sitting beside me la) was totally stunned man... however, the polite me returned a smile upon seeing one... returned a Hi upon greeting one... at first i tot was some one doing a survey or something, so i ws thinking y not help her with one... beside, she's kinda gud looking... muahahah... err... nope, dun get me wrong, even if she is not tt gud looking, i would lend her a hand oso k... but the BIG shock is tt she is NOT doing a survey k... in words, she's just another case of can-i-have-the-honour-to-be-a-friend...but in any case, i obliged la... oh boy, i'm actually honoured k... after all, i dun consider myself to be really gud looking to attract female counterpart ogling at me. but there are actually ppl who DO 'wanna be my fren". gosh... gals these days... are really errr... should i say daring? open minded? is the society changing such as so tt it is now pants-chasing instead of skirt-chasing... brrrr.... coming to this pt, then i really ought to consider myself a failure k... nt even having the guts to attempt to TRY makin my presence felt in other ppl life... damn... lame... but anyway, oh boy, i'm honoured today... muahaha.... meanwhile, let me get back to my projects... and damn it, my hand still hurts... arrrrhhh...
guohuilist turned back time on Tuesday, March 08, 2005.
LiFe oF gUohU|...cHp 69 hmm... guohui is here to blog again... though my right wrist still hurts.... but i'm glad it feels better le... after spending the week with bandages, medicated plasters, plaster of paris.... i'm glad it is recovering... did i forget to mention the SGD 70 tt comes along with it... haha... aniwae, had been spending quite a lot this week... bought a bluetooth adaptor for my pc.... changed a optical keyboard... i tink i'm under budget this mth le... thanks to the unexpected injury... went to watch HITCH with some area 11 instructors today... the show is kinda intricating... will smith is usually funny... with corny jokes and all... somehow gave me another view pt on dating and relationship...haha... errr...watching tt fatass bumping into romance with allera cole really gave a sense of hope... ugly peeps like me can get hitched...muahahaha... nevertheless, it's all a show... but doesn't the saying goes : " life is a stage, we are the actors tt put on the show" ? dotz dotz dotz... haha... ok, let's digress a little... ok, frankly speaking, do i really look/behave like tt sort of ppl who is already in relationship? apparently i dun, and apparently, to ppl, i do... den they will go: " ah.. really ah, dun lie leh, u so outgoing confirm no gf meh?"... dotz... even my pri sch tcher adds to the statistic... but the truth is i don't.... yeap, still waiting for my princess to pop along... does tt make a prince or a king? muahaahh meanwhile, i dun tink i'm desperate enuf to be a poser... to act friendly, to approach ladies with the excuse of being helpful... sorry, i believe my helping hands are really sincere true and out... not ulterior motive... n i shall stay happy with my life... shifting my focus towards my passion in CI-hood. i realise how degrading my unit is now... n as the most senior active CI, i really do... for this unit which change my life, to this unit tt i'm gotta bring to greater heights... aniwae, the instructors' meeting recently hit and end off with a good tone... tt's something good... hope it remains tt way... ya... oh ya... during thurs... i kinda made this grave/ stupid mistake... having 5 hrs of break and nth to do, went to dennis' house to rot... played winning eleven on his ps2... den i kinda sian0.5. den went over to use the com... realised tt i got a new msg on friendster and went over to check it out... den saw this bullentin tt looks interesting... den went to do the quiz... but somehow i made a grave mistake tt i never wanna to... haha... i tink those dude who were there shld noe... like louis, yiting they all... arrhhhh... haiz... aniwae, nvm... muahhaah... ok... time now 0242hrs... nights out in 5 mins time... 5 4 3 2 1 0
guohuilist turned back time on Sunday, March 06, 2005.